What was the first Bethesda game Sammie ever played?
Fallout 3
What did Sammie's mom make her do whenever she wanted sweets?
Run up and down the stairs
What is the name of Sammie's dog?
What is the name of Sammie's childhood best friend?
Bela Sanchez
What sitcom has Sammie watched on repeat?
The Office
What is Sammie's all-time favorite book series?
Keeper of the Lost Cities
What mental illness did Sammie think she had during her last relationship just because it was so bad?
Borderline Personality Disorder
How many blood-related uncles and aunts does Sammie have?
6 uncles and 1 aunt
What was the name of Sammie's drug dealer boyfriend in middle school?
Kyle Mullins
What is the longest show that Sammie has watched?
How many books has Sammie (started) writing?
What was the name of the guy who spread Sammie's nudes around in middle school?
How much did Sammie's cat cost?
What was Sammie's favorite cartoon character in early elementary school?
Hello Kitty
What is Sammie's favorite Bojack Horseman episode?
"Time's Arrow"
What is the texture of Sammie's favorite shark?
What age was Sammie when she experienced most of her family trauma?
How many siblings does Sammie (potentially) have?
Which of Sammie's uncles babysat her when she was a toddler?
What is Sammie's favorite race to play in Skyrim?
What was the first series that Sammie wrote fanfiction about?
Percy Jackson
What fell out of Sammie's dog's mouth during the demon infestation arc?
Flesh cube
How did Sammie's sister used to try to kill her?
At what age did Sammie get diagnosed with scoliosis?
What is Sammie's favorite period drama?