A more recent Sam quote contradicting that he has a "cahchfrase".
What is "I don't have a cahchfrase!"?
Sam's favorite color.
What is red?
(100 bonus points if you said grey)
True or False:
Sam crawled before he stood.
What is false?
Sam's favorite Nintendo game.
What is Mario?
(Any version counts)
Sam's favorite shoes.
What is Crocs?
The quote that includes Sam pointing his index and middle finger down, and him sticking out his tongue.
What is "Wakka Wakka pthh"?
Sam's favorite food.
What is pizza?
Sammy's first word?
What is Ba (Aba)?
Sam's favorite book?
(Hint: It's a series)
What is Diary of a Wimpy Kid?
Sam's favorite type of toy.
What is Eldrador Creatures?
The quote that includes Sammy clasping his hands together like this 🙏 while standing on one leg.
What is "Doomed. I am Doomed."?
Sam's favorite stuffed animal.
What is Hippo?
Sammy's first crush?
Who is Sloan?
Who is Word Girl?
(100 bonus points if you said Word Girl who was his first TV crush)
Sam's favorite TV show.
What is Animaniacs.
Sam's favorite place to play.
What is outside?
The quote that includes Sam saying a PG version of a bad word.
What is "What the heck."?
(100 extra points if they repeat the quote)
Sam's favorite drink.
What is Sprite?
Sammy's first song.
What is "Wild Wild Life" by Talking Heads?
Sam's favorite song.
What is "This is Not a Christmas Song" by NEFFEX?
(They don't need to guess the singer)
Sam's favorite fidget.
What is fidget cube?
A quote that Sam loves that appears on a T-shirt.
(Hint: Sam does NOT use this quote regularly, but loves the shirt)
What is "I'm fine. It's fine. Everything is fine."?
Sam's favorite creature.
What is the Grimm Reaper?
(Hint: There are two correct answers)
What is the giraffe?
What is the purple bear?
(100 extra points if you got them both)
Sam's favorite mobile game.
(This means his favorite iPad/iPhone game)
What is Rainbow Friends?
Sam's name for his old phone.
What is the pooping phone?