Girl Scouts most popular and best-selling cookie
What is Thin Mint
What color was Sam's first car
What is yellow
What is a Christmas Tree farm
This is the longest running American TV show
What is The Simpsons
The only vowel on a standard keyboard that is not on the top line of letters
What is A
The 57 on the Heinz ketchup bottle represents this
What is the number of varieties of pickles the company once had
What is Sam's favorite past time
What is searching for memes or watching TikToks.
What famous person wore a meat dress
Who is Lady Gaga
What is the characters name that lives in a trash can
Who is Oscar
What is jelly fish
What fast food franchise has the largest number of restaurants in the world?
What is the series of books Sam has read
What is the Color Gray
Famous country singer who died in a helicopter accident in 2017
Who is Troy Gentry
What famous person wore a meat dress
Who is
Lady Gaga
These 2 countries allow for taking a nap during work
What is Spain and Italy
What is chocolate, espresso and hot milk
How many weeks early was Sam born
What is four weeks early
What famous male country artist started out in R&B
Who is Kayne Brown
Earning more than $89M last year, this is 2019's highest paid actor
Who is Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
On average, what is the things Americans do 22 times a day?
Open the fridge
This is the most popular drink in the world that does not contain alcohol
What is coffee
What name did Sam give her first car
Who is Charlie
What famous artist is from Ohio and went to school in Shaker Heights
Who is Machine Gun Kelly
For which film did Sandra Bullock win her Oscar?
What is the Blind Side
What color is the "black box" in an airplane
What is orange