the high school that sam graduated from
What is Independence High School?
Aashna’s boyfriend
Who is Daniel?
who is this a picture of and what lead up to the events of this post (see picture 3)
Who is Ezmen and what is awkwardly following us around the rec until we left?
who is pictured? (See picture 7)
Who is Shayla?
Aashna’s old dorm hall and roommate
What is Olson and Gwen (kys)?
sam’s full name spelled out
What is Samhita Pothuri?
the School that both Aria and Jalynn graduated from and their majors at it
What is Toledo School For the Arts and what is fashion and musical theatre?
Where was this picture taken (see picture 4)
Where is the burnt pickle?
who is pictured? (See picture 8)
Who is Rodney?
kyle‘s major
what is undecided? (go off king)
what happened to sam on this night? (see picture 1)
Kyle’s sister’s name
Who is Mikhala? (Ms Chef K don’t play)
What does Jalynn say in this video and where was it taken
see video for answer
Where is a frat?
Who is pictured? (See picture 9)
Who is Brielle?
Name two places Aashna has been outside of the country
What is Switzerland, France, England, Iceland? (Thats all you can get from me)
sam‘s ex roommate
Who is Maddie?
3 of Jalynn’s opps
Who is Eli, Ruby, Allyson? (Christina and Gabi also count)
where was this picture taken and what is the context (see picture 5)
where is the back of an Uber, what is the Uber showing us his portfolio while we are obviously drunk?
Who is pictured? (See picture 10)
Who is Laurence?
the grade that Aria and Jalynn were close friends
What is 3rd grade?
something that happened to Sam this night (see picture 2)
what is a little tittie slip? (I’m sorry sam)
What we did the night of November 9, 2024
What is go watch Aashna perform at the Kent hockey game?
Where was this picture taken (see picture 6)
What is the Burnt Pickle?
Who is pictured? (See picture 11)
Who is Mikhala?
What is the date of everyone’s birthday?
Jan 31, Feb 26, April 13, May 9, Nov 29