The roman equivalent of Zeus, this king of the gods and god of sky and thunder shares the same name with the fifth planet from the sun.
All about Eve, Titanic, and La La Land
Named Otto, the mascot for Syracuse college in New York is both a tasty citrus fruit and the color you get when combining red and yellow.
What is an orange.
This man is the prime minister for Canada.
Justin Trudeau
In German, the phrase "Die Katze im Sack kaufen" translates to "to buy a cat in the sack." What does this literally mean?
A buyer purchased something without inspecting it first.
While the number often varies based on the inclusion of Dionysus or Hestia, the Greek pantheon typically has this many Gods.
This person, who isn't even an actor, has the most Oscars despite being dead 60 years.
Walt Disney
A cross between the Buddha and an Elf, Saint Louis University has this strange mythical creature as it's mascot.
The Billiken
This holiday celebrating the Mexican victory over the second french Empire actually is more commonly celebrated in the U.S.A rather than Mexico itself.
Cinco de Mayo
In Italian, the phrase "Fare le nozze coi fichi secchi" translates to "to do a wedding with dried figs." What does this mean?
To organize a large event or do something major with a small (shoestring) budget.
According to Egyptian mythology, this God of the sun was actually the first pharaoh of the world.
Surprisingly, the person with the most Oscar Nominations is not an actor, but the composer for movies like Star Wars, Jaws, Indiana Jones, and more.
Named Sammy, the university of California Santa Cruz has this tough skinned, shell lacking mollusk as it's mascot.
The Banana Slug
Canada has estimated this many lakes (closest to the actual number wins).
2 million
In Russian, "Яйца курицу не учат" translates to "eggs don't teach a chicken/hen." What does this mean?
Someone with less experience should not be trying to teach someone with more experience. (equivalent to don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs)
In Greek Mythology, this God was apparently so hideous right out of the womb that Hera threw him out the window, permanently disfiguring him as he fell from Olympus.
This was the first film not in English to win Best Picture.
This farm animal painted with a combination of red and blue is the mascot for Williams College in Massachusetts.
Purple Cow
Mexico primarily operates on this monetary unit.
In Arabic, "التكرار يعلّم الحمار" literally translates to "repetition teaches the donkey." What does this mean?
Practice makes perfect.
Despite his brother Thor being the God of strength and the protection of humanity, this Norse god is the god of War and Justice.
This movie was the first animated movie to be nominated for best picture.
Basically about Elaborate Stockholm syndrome.
Beauty and the Beast.
Scottsdale Community college proudly has this edible flower bud of a thistle plant as their vegetable mascot named Arty.
As opposed to the three territories that have governments with power delegated by the Canadian parliament, Canada has ten of these areas that get their power from the Constitution Act of 1867.
In Finnish, "Kauhistuksen kananhäkki" literally translates to "Chicken cage of abomination." What does this mean?