Chapter 3
Chapter 3 Misc
Learning Misc
Hmm do you know it?
Your awareness of everything that is going on around you and inside your own head at any given moment, which you use to organize your behavior including your thoughts, sensations and feelings.
What is Consciousness?
Marijuana, Hashish, LSD, Ecstasy
What are Hallucinogens.
A Russian physiologist who pioneered the empirical study of the basic principles of a particular kind of learning.
Who is Ivan Pavlov.
An unlearned, involuntary response that is not under personal control or choice.
What is a Reflex.
What does FPOT mean?
What is Frontal, Parietal, Occipital, Temporal.
When a person is in this state, he/she almost always reports being in a dream state.
What is REM sleep.
Quickly leads to being drunk, and drunkenness is a major sign of alcoholism.
What is Binge Drinking.
The conditioned response can briefly reappear when the the original CS returns, although the response is usually weak and short lived.
What is Spontaneous Recovery.
An _____________ is always followed by an______________, and a _______________, is always followed by a ______________
What is UCS (Unconditioned Stimulus), UCR (Unconditioned Response), CS (Conditioned Stimulus), CR (Conditioned Response).
What type of Doctoral Degree does Dr. Sawyerr hold?
What is a PsyD.
It proposes that animals and humans evolved different sleep patterns to avoid being present during their predator's normal hunting times, which typically would be at night.
What is the Adaptive Theory
There were lower levels of aggression in the dreams of those from _____________________ when compared to the American's dream content.
What is the Netherlands.
Alcoholics who are given a drug to make them violently nauseated when they drink alcohol may learn to avoid drinking any alcoholic beverage.
What is Conditioned Taste Aversion.
The learning of phobias.
What is Conditioned Emotional Response (CER)
The purpose of Jane Elliott's experiment was to show______________________?
What is the Discrimination.
A form of Dementia brought about by a severe vitamin B1 deficiency, caused by the alcoholic's tendency to drink rather than eat.
What is Korsakoff's Syndrome
Some very young infants also experience a kind of apnea due to immaturity of the brain stem. These infants are typically placed on monitors that sound an alarm when breathing stops, allowing caregivers to help the infant to begin breathing again.
What is Sleep Apnea in infants (SIDS) Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Is an important part of a fairly well - known form of learning, often simplified as "monkey see, monkey do."
What is Cognitive Learning.
A response that is reinforced after some, but not all correct responses will be more resistant to extinction.
What is Partial Reinforcement.
A developmental disorder involving behavioral and cognitive aspects of inattention,impulsivity, and hyperactivity.
What is Attention - deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
When a hallucination happens just as a person in in the between - state of being in REM sleep (in which the voluntary muscles are paralyzed) and not fully awake.
What is Hynopompic Hallucination.
There are two views of why hypnosis works. One emphasizes the role of _______________, or splitting of conscious awareness, whereas the other involves a kind of social role - playing.
What is dissociation.
The results of a new study suggest that there is a significantly increased risk of higher levels of ____________ at age 5 when spanking is used at age 3.
What is Aggression.
Neurofeedback applications.
What is Functional Resonance Imaging (fMRI).
The Greek Word for "Seahorse" and it was given to this structure of the brain because the first scientists who dissected the brain thought it looked like a seahorse.
What is the Hippocampus.