Name the Two "What Skills"
What is: Observe, Describe, Participate
Why do we want you to practice skills of distraction often?
What is: so they will come to you when you need them
Name the six senses
vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch, movement
Define the letters TIPP
Temperature, Intense Exercise, Paced Breathing, Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Tell us about the Distress Tolerance Skill that works well for you
Variety of answers
Name two "How" Skills
What is: Don't Judge, Do What Works, Stay Focused
State what the "T" in ACCEPTS means and what you do with them
What is "Thoughts" What is replace them?
The "I" in IMPROVE means
What is Imagery
When are we supposed to create a Pros and Cons list?
What is BEFORE an urge hits us
True or False
Does Acceptance mean Agreement
What is: False
Tell how we get to our Wise Minds
What is: Combining our reasonable mind with our Emotional Mind
Doing Mindfulness is also a correct answer
What do the two "C"s stand for in Wise Mind ACCEPTS
What are: Contribute and Compare
The "E" in IMPROVE the moment stands for...
What is "Encouragement" (Be your own cheerleader)
When are the TIPP Skills to be used
What is: For Managing Extreme Emotions? (including Panic attacks)
Can't solve your problem, Can't change how you feel about the problem you should________________
Accept it (Radically)
Provide an example of how Mindfulness helped you in this past week or two
What is........
State the purpose of Distress Tolerance Skills.
What is: So not make the situation worse
Explain how to do Paced Breathing, and demonstrate this.
What is the out-breath is slower than the in-breath.
Name a recent time TIPP helped you.
Variety of personal answers
What is the main goal of DBT?
To create a Life Worth Living
What is Mindfulness: Taking control of your mind (being in control of your mind rather than your mind controlling you)
Tell what you would do if one Distress tolerance skill does not work or does not last long enough
IMPROVE stands for
What is: Imagery, Meaning, Prayer (positive thoughts) Relaxation, One thing in the moment, Vacation, Encouragement
If you wanted to stop an addictive behavior what skill should you use?
Pros and cons. (others could be considered as well if you explain how they help)
Name your favourite DBT facilitator
SANDI (or maybe Melanie)