Survival Tips
Wild Robot
Helping Others

Roz adopts a son in the novel. What is his name?



Roz learns how to climb the cliffs while observing an animal. Which animal does she copy?

a. A monkey

b. A crab

c. A bear

d. A bird

b. A crab. (pg. 13-14)


During the spring, Roz learns that the animals like her better when she...

a. answers science questions

b. tells stories

c. doesn't talk

d. acts like them (wild)

d. acts like them (wild) (pg. 200)


Mr. Beaver and Roz work out a trade. The beavers get 5 freshly cut trees and Roz gets: 

a. Free fish

b. To sleep in the beaver lodge

c. Her own lodge for herself and her son

d. A garden

d. Her own lodge for herself and her son (pg. 81-88)


Why did the RECOs come to the island?

a. To drop off supplies to Roz

b. To retrieve all the ROZZUM units

c. To fix all the damaged ROZZUM units

d. To destroy all the ROZZUM units

b. To retrieve all the ROZZUM units


What kind of animal is Brightbill?

Brightbill is a goose (pg 75)


Roz learns an important survival tip from watching a stick bug. What does she do?

a. Learns how to climb a tree

b. Creates fire

c. find food

d. Covers her body with mud, flowers, leaves and moss

Covers her body with mud, flowers, leaves and moss. Roz is camouflaged so she can observe the animals (pg. 42-48)


Brightbill realizes that Roz is a special robot because she...

a. Is not like other robots

b. Learned how to speak with animals

c. Saved the island animals from the cold

d. Adopted a gosling

e. All of the aboe

e. All of the above (pg. 213)


Roz asks Tawny for help in...

a. building a garden

b. building a fire

c. teaching her son to swim

d. teaching her son to hunt

a. building a garden


The RECOs go back for their rifles after what happens?

a. The geese attack them

b. Roz attacks them

c. The bears attack them

d. The beavers attack them

a. The geese attack them (pg. 228-230)


Roz's son makes friends with a squirrel. What is the squirrel's name?

a. Chitchat

b. Nettle

c. Scaredy

d. Digdown

Chitchat because she talks a lot. (pg 108-111)


Roz sees an opossum named Pinktail escape from a badger. How did she escape?

a. She played dead

b. She climbed a tree

c. She hid in a hole

d. She fought back

a. She played dead. Roz learns how to perform. Instead of acting like a robot, she will be alive and friendly (pg. 63-67)


RECO 1 determines that Roz is a defective / wild robot. What does she do that proves she is a defective / wild robot according to RECO 1?

Roz asks questions and doesn't want to go back to the factory.

She does not listen to orders from the other robot. (pg. 227)


In order to help the island animals during the winter, what does Roz build?

Roz builds 5 lodges with campfires for the island animals. (pg. 176-187)


What happens when RECO 3 runs into the forest?

a. It gets beat up by raccoons

b. Chitchat tries to find the RECO's off switch

c. It gets caught in vines

d. The birds blind it with droppings

d. The birds blind it with droppings (pg. 232-235)


What kind of animal are Nettle and Thorn?

Nettle and Thorn are bears.

(pgs. 139-149)


Roz teaches herself an important survival tip. None of the other animals had ever learned how to do it and it ended up saving many animals during the harsh winter. What was the survival tip?

Roz teaches herself how to make fire. (pg. 86)


Roz determined that in order to remain a wild robot, what did she need to do?

Finish this quote from the novel:

"She would get the repairs she needed. She would escape from her new life. She would find her way back h____."


"She would get the repairs she needed. She would escape from her new life. She would find her way back HOME."


What was the one hour in the morning called when all the animals were safe?

The dawn truce (pg. 49)


Who rescues Nettle when she falls down the waterfall?

Hundreds of fish keep Nettle from falling over the waterfall by pushing her to safety. (pg. 240)


What did Loudwing teach Roz to do?

a. fly

b. swim

c. build

d. climb

b. swim


According to Roz, she has become better at surviving thanks to which animal?

Roz thanks Brightbill for making her better at surviving. Since she was forced to take care of him, she had to learn how to survive int he wilderness (pg. 103)


What was one way the RECOs looked different from Roz?

The RECOs were bigger, bulkier, and shinier. They also had "RECO" etched on their torsos. (pg. 222-226)


What happened when the rock Roz was hanging onto broke on the cliff?

Roz fell and smashed 2 geese and 4 of their eggs.


How do they end up defeating RECO 1?

The animals (otters/geese) shoot RECO 1 with a rifle.