People & Places
Girl Scout Levels
Sandy Ridge

Name two of the slow songs that we sing at closing campfire.

Rose, Linger, Magic, On my Honor.


Staff can find extra copies of paperwork (badgework, incident reports, etc.) in this building. 

What is the office?

Each week we will have this type of ceremony to honor the American flag as well as the Girl Scout flag.

What is a flag ceremony?


These Girl Scouts are our highest level, ranging in grades 11-12. 

Who are Ambassadors?


This Sandy Ridge mascot has been around for many years. 

Who is Racky the raccoon?


DOUBLE JEOPARDY: The team must pick a camp song to sing as a group to receive full points. 

Good Job! You've received 400 points!


If there is a maintenance problem on camp, you will fill out a maintenance request form for this person to see. 

Who is Ranger David?

Some weeks our campers will participate in various activities earning steps towards these, which are attached to the front of the girls' vest or sash. 

What is a badge?


As our youngest group, these girls will typically stay in Grady Lodge during camp. 

Who are Daisy's / Brownies?


Staff can earn these fun pieces to put on your lanyard voted by other staff. 

What are lanyard buttons?


When saying this, which is the backboard of all things Girl Scouts, girls hold up three fingers on their right hand. 

What is the Girl Scout promise?


"The range is hot" is a phrase used over the walkie talkie when this area of camp is being used. 

What is the paintball field? (Shooting range)


Jeopardy Challenge: A traditional camping dessert we enjoy are s'mores. As a team, create a NEW camping dessert with a name, ingredient list, and a short commercial to present.

300 points for everyone!


Girls in high school (9-12) can do work towards this award, the highest award in Girl Scouts.

What is their gold award?


This unit has platform tents and is used by older girls or travel trips if needed.

What is Tall Timbers?


Jeopardy Challenge: Each team will make up a camp song, poem, or rap and perform it to everyone to receive points. 

Great job! Your team has received 400 points. 


These campers are preparing to be staff by learning how to lead girls at various activities. 

Who are CITs (Councilor in Training)?


This event takes place at the docks where the girls will show a song or skit that they worked on throughout the week. 

What is closing campfire?


These girls are in 6-8 grade and work on their silver award. 

Who are cadettes? 


This mysterious creature lives in the tallest tree on camp sipping tea and will respond to letters from campers. 

Who is the Tajar?


As a group, choose a repeat after me song to lead the rest of the teams through. 

Great job, 500 points awarded!


Jeopardy Challenge: Each group will have a short scenario to perform. You will show what you SHOULD NOT do in the situation and what you SHOULD do in the situation. 

Congratulations! You have received 500 points!


This ceremony celebrates the completion of one Girl Scout level to the next one up.

A bridging ceremony.


Jeopardy Challenge: Each team will be given a Girl Scout level. They will draw figure of this camper and write personality traits and their likes and dislikes.

Great job! Your team has earned 500 points!


***Jeopardy Challenge: Each team will have to decode a message. The first team to decode the message and complete the task will receive 500 points. The second team to finish will receive 400 points. Third team receives 300 points. The fourth team gets 200 points. 

Great job! Your team has won 500 points!