This is one of the names we were gonna name Sevyn when we first got her?
Who is Rue
This is how Gracie used to say "I forgot"
what is " I magott"
What is Amora's favorite toy?
who is lamb chop?
What does Enrique say when no one is saying anything ?
what is "well y'all aint helping me right now"
This dog has more clothes then everyone in the family
who is Marvel
this is how brother says butter
what is "Buddha"
Who does brother call Salsa?
who is Sasha
name 2 people who have left
Main (who is)
1. Jordan
2. Sammie
3. Devin
4. Luke
5. Jasmine
This dog had a jean skirt
who is Harmoney
This is how Amanda ask if you are ok
what is "hoe is you good"
Name two of Amanda's fears
1. sharks
2. clowns
this person went slanging and hit chairs
who is sister Maria?
Which of there nicknames haven't been used for any of the dogs?
A. harmslocks
B. 7-11
C. money-moe
D. marvin
who is "money-moe"
This is what Papa called Diego
what is "papity"
What is the one Christmas movie we all watch at least once.
what is The Grinch
this is what Enrique call the gay community
what is alphabet community?
This Dog gets her own meal at in-n-out
who is Chloe (josh's dog)
Finish this sentence
"Huh? _______________"
What is
"huh? what? oh......OK!"
Which ornament is Amanda's " first Christmas" ornament"?
a. a little doll
b. a bear on a swing
c. two bears in a plane
what is "a bear on a swing"
who was the reason for a fire hazard?
a. Patrick (lumber jack guy)
b. Aimee
c. Justice
d. Devin
who is Devin?