What is Saniya's nickname?
How old will Saniya be next year?
17 years old
Name Saniya's siblings
Prem and Simba
Saniya's favorite article of clothing?
If Saniya isn't eating or sleeping, she is probably
Hanging out with someone
You can find Saniya doing one of these two things when she has nothing to do
Painting nails and TikTok
Saniya got this from her parents for her 16th birthday
A dog named Simba
What did Saniya start learning when she was 7 but quit in 2018?
Saniya's favorite cuisine?
Saniya's most played artist?
Juice WRLD
How many schools has Saniya attended so far?
Saniya was born in this city
Santa Clara
How long did Saniya live in India?
7 years
If Saniya could drink only one thing in her life, what would it be?
Okinawa milk tea with boba and no ice / Any boba drink
Saniya's least favorite movie genre?
How old is Saniya in dog years?
Saniya's full birthdate in roman numerals
How many houses has Saniya changed so far?
8 houses
Saniya can't stop saying?
All love
What tiktoker replied to Saniya?
Avani / Noah Beck
Who is the lucky athlete that got to take a selfie with Saniya?
Stephen Curry
Saniya shares her birthdate with this famous Bollywood celebrity
Katrina Kaif
Saniya has close family friends that she calls her brothers and sisters. Name 3
Shivam, Akshay, Prachi, and Palak
What is Saniya's iPhone model and color?
Lavender iPhone 11
Saniya started learning this in India and has continued it here?