This preparation is mentioned in "puff the magic dragon"
(Sealing) wax
In 1992 he hauled his "achy breaky heart" to NO.4 on the top 40
Billy ray Cyrus
The tomb of shah Jahan's wife Mumtaz is part of this complex in Agra, India
Taj Mahal
This planet is so big that more than 1,000 earths would fit inside it
Having these " like limpid pool" has been called the king of all cliches
(your or her eyes)
"Because maybe, Youre gonna be the one that saves me & after all, you're my" this
Chimney rock in Nebraska was a major landmark along this overland trail to the pacific northwest
Oregon trail
This country's airport covers 300 square miles, more than all of bahrain, which has 3 airports of its own
Saudi Arabia
The words of the traditional wedding ceremony include "until death do us" this
Traditionally used on private letters, the pope's fisherman's rig is this type of sealing ring
Sadly, on Jan.8, 1994, this group played its last-ever U.S. show in its hometown of Seattle
Architect john graham produced the final saucer design of this Seattle landmark
space needle
Dedicated in 80 a.d., It covered 5 acres, was 4 stories high & originally sat 50,000 spectators
The colosseum
In 2014, Selena Gomez had a hit with a song titled "the heart wants" this
"What it wants"
Navy seals know that their name comes from these 3 places where they fight
Sea, air, & land
In 1994 this r&b group's "I'll make love to you" remained at the top of the charts for 14 straight weeks
Boyz II Men
Commissioned by frederick william II, his gate was based on a model in Athens
Brandenburg gate
Cawker city, Kansas claims the world's biggest ball of this 5- letter item, with around 8 million feet
(Sisal) Twine
Olden knights wore mementoes of their ladies pinned to their sleeves, not actual these as in the cliche
This u.s. cabinet seceratry is the guardian of the great seal of the United States
Secretary of state
She stayed at NO.1 for 8 weeks in 1993 with "Dreamlover"
Mariah Carey
A series of white sail- shaped shells serve as the roof of this venue
Sydney opera house
The world's largest building by volume in this company's 472 million- cubic- foot factory in everett, wash
A 17th C. Frenchman wrote, "Absence is to love as" This "Is to fire; it extinguishes the small, it kindles the great"