Outside Evidence!


End of the Civil War


Evaluate the extent to which debates over slavery in the period from 1830 to 1860 led the United States into the Civil War.

Identify ONE piece of specific evidence that you could use to answer this prompt.

Slavery spreading west - Mexican-American War, Compromise of 1850, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Bleeding Kansas

Morality of Slavery - Abolitionists (like Douglass), John Brown's Raid at Harpers Ferry, Dred Scott, Fugitive Slave Act, Election fo 1860


Identify ONE way women contributed to reform movements during the Progressive Era

Muckraking - Ida Tarbell, Ida B. Wells

Settlement House Movement - Hull House (Jane Addams)

Social Gospel Movement

Women's Right to Vote - NAWSA, Catt, Walker


Evaluate the extent to which economic growth led to changes in United States society in the period from 1945 to 1970.

What is the BIGGER PROCESS you need to describe to contextualize this prompt?

Great Depression (1929-1945)

World War II (connect to US economic recovery)


This political party supported poor farmers, govt regulation, and free silver. Founded in 1892.

Populist Party



End of the French and Indian War


To what extent did political parties contribute to the development of national unity in the United States between 1790 and 1840 ?

Identify ONE piece of specific outside evidence that you could use to answer this prompt.

1st Party System - Federalists & Democratic Republicans

2nd Party System - Whigs and Democrats

Hamilton, Adams, Jefferson, Jackson, Clay


Identify ONE way transportation technology sparked economic development in the US, 1860-1900.

Railroads connect east and west, allowed for mining, ranching, and farming to spread further west


Evaluate the extent to which the 1830s, under President Andrew Jackson, was the era of the "common man."

What is the BIGGER PROCESS you need to describe to contextualize this prompt?

Rise of political parties (1st party system, 2nd party system)

Election of Andrew Jackson & shift in political parties


This is the name of Henry Clay’s 3 part plan designed to support American business and manufacturing.  It included a charter for a national bank, high tariffs, and $$ for internal improvements.

American System



Spanish-American War (US begins imperializing)


Evaluate the extent to which the ideas of the Enlightenment contributed to the origins of constitutional government in the United States.

Identify ONE piece of specific evidence you could use for this prompt.

Declaration of Independence (Jefferson)

Common Sense (Thomas Paine)


Identify ONE cause of antebellum reform movements, 1800-1850.

Second Great Awakening

Market Revolution


Evaluate the extent to which the growth of civil rights activism contributed to changes in government action from 1940 to 1980.

What is the BIGGER PROCESS you need to describe to contextualize this prompt?

Civil rights up to 1940 had largely failed:

-Antebellum Reform

-Reconstruction (end of slavery!)

-Progressive Era (DuBois, Washington)


The Know Nothing Party is an example of this idea, meaning anti-immigrant feelings




FDR's New Deal (during Great Depression)


Evaluate the extent to which the outcome of the Second World War changed United States foreign policy between 1945 and 1965.

Identify ONE piece of specific evidence you could use for this prompt.

Cold War

Containment / Truman Doctrine

Marshall Plan

Proxy Wars - Korea, Vietnam

CIA Intervention in Latin America

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution


Identify ONE way World War II impacted the homefront.

More opportunities for women to participate in public life (jobs in factories, Victory Gardens, etc)

Restrictions on freedom (Japanese-American internment camps, rationing, the draft)

Increased opportunities for African American rights (Double V Campaign)


Evaluate the extent to which immigration affected United States culture in the period from 1870 to 1900.

What is the BIGGER PROCESS you need to describe to contextualize this prompt?

Immigration in the US, beginning with Old Immigrants (before Civil War) and continuing with New Immigrants (after Civil War)


Of the 2 major labor unions in this period, this one was the less radical, more conservative labor union

American Federation of Labor



Constitutional Convention


Evaluate the relative importance of factors leading to a new conservatism in the United States between 1960 and 1989.

Ronald Reagan

Supply-side economic

Moral Majority

Jerry Falwell

Phyllis Schlafly (anti-ERA)


Identify ONE difference between the characteristics of English colonization and French colonization.

English = more populated, so compete with natives for land (warfare)

French = less populated, so friendlier relations with natives (including intermarriage)


Evaluate the extent to which the federal government's role in the economy changed in the period from 1945 to 1980.

What is the BIGGER PROCESS you need to describe to contextualize this prompt?

Govt role in economy before 1945:

-Great Depression

-FDR's New Deal


This American president said “The business of America is business,” which illustrated his commitment to laissez-faire capitalism.

Calvin Coolidge