True or False.
Off-campus events do not have to be submitted on the SPOT.
What is the formula to evaluate how much money you spent per student (SPS)?
SPS = Total Event Spend / Attendance
What vendor do we have to use for food orders?
Sams Club
What are the two most common methods of marketing?
- Campus Center Digital Displays
When is Y2k night?
March 13th
What tier is an outdoor film event, and why?
Tier 2, because it is showing a film and because it is outdoors.
What are the needed trainings?
1) Golf Cart
2) Portable Ladder Training
3) Revenue Processing Training
- Dairy Items
- Frozen Items
- Brand Name Items that are Expensive
Who sets brand guidelines for merch and promotion items?
Multimedia Production Center (MPC)
How does cereal pay its bills?
with Chex
How many days in advance do you need to submit an event that is expecting 250 people or more?
30 calendar days
When should your marketing form be turned in?
2 months out
Which positions normally gather invoices?
- Late Nights
- Goes to Town
- Campus Traditions
- Marketing Team
When do you need to get 3 quotes?
When it costs $500 or more
What is Indiana's state bird?
Northern Cardinal
What do you do if you submit your SPOT form and realize you need to make a change?
Leave a comment on the submission so that they can deny your submission, allowing you to make the needed changes before resubmitting it.
How far in advance do you need to turn in your general waiver release form?
3 months out
How long does it take general purchases to be approved?
4 weeks
What is the goal of the marketing form?
Directors request prefered promo outlets and event details that START BACK-AND-FORTH COMMUNICATION
What year did the first Harry Potter book come out?
How many days in advance does a UERC form need to be submitted if you want to use a tent at your event?
10 calendar days before the tent is set up
What are the 7 steps you need to take on event day for a large event like Jagapalooza? (whoever gets the most wins/if everyone gets them all, then the one with the correct order wins)
1) Arrive 2 hours before the event
2) Check room reservations with the Campus Center
3) Stay in contact with vendors
4) Debrief volunteers 1 hour before
5) Set up check-in
6) Assign walkies to present officers
7) Make sure to have EMS/IUPD numbers on you
What do you put in the 4th column of the Amazon Order Form?
What is the 4th question on the marketing form?
What type of marketing request is this?
I am not alive, but I grow. I don’t have lungs, but I need air. I don’t have a mouth, but water kills me. What am I?