What is Mother's Teaching #2?
(Hint: glory)
When we glorify God, the glory returns to us.
What are 2 verses that testify about our Heavenly Mother?
(Subject: Jerusalem Mother)
Genesis 1:26-27,3:20, Galatians 4:26, Revelation 19:7, 21:9-10)
What is the 4th Commandment? Mention 2 verses
"Remember the Sabbath Day"
(Ex20:8, Ex31:13, Lk4:16, Ac17:2, Mt24:20)
How many books does the Bible have?
When was the Church of God established?
What is Mother's Teaching #1?
It is more blessed to give love than to receive it, as God always gives love.
The word "Elohim" was used over how many times in the Bible?
What is the exact appointed time for the first Appointed Feast of God?
(Passover) 1.14 @ Twilight
What were the original languages used to write the Bible?
Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek
praying=_____, studying=_____, preaching=exercise
praying=breathing, studying=eating
A beautiful mind has no hate and brings forth a perfect love.
Mother's Teaching #?
Mother's Teaching #3
What book did the catholic church write which admits that they know that Sunday in not Biblical?
(Subject: Keep the Sabbath day Holy)
"The faith of our fathers"
What was written on the 2 Stone Tablets?
10 Commandments & 7 Feasts
Who wrote the book of Hebrews?
Apostle Paul
What church was prophesied that Father would come from? Mention biblical name & common name.
Laodicea, 7th Day Adventist (SDA)
Just as Abraham was blessed with better things when he gave in for his ___ ___, we, too, will be blessed with even better things when we ___ ___ for our brothers and sisters.
Nephew Lot, give in
What verses testify the scientific proof that the Bible is Fact?
(Subject: Bible is Fact)
Job 26:7, Job 36:27
What are the 3 other names for the Feast of Tabernacles?
Feast of Ingathering, Feast of Booths, Feast of Shelters.
What was "found" that proved the authenticity and consistency of the Bible?
Dead Sea Scrolls
What 2 Feasts always land on a Sunday?
Resurrection Day & Pentecost
What is Mother's Teaching #5?
An arrogant heart feels disappointed when his expectations are not met.
Mention 2 verses where God Elohim says "Us"
Genesis 1:26, Genesis11:7, Isaiah6:8
Name the 7 Feasts of God in order.
Passover, Unleavened Bread, First fruits, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacles.
Who wrote the last Book of the Bible and were was he located?
Apostle John, Island of Patmos
What part among the Law has been "sealed up" until now? Who must open it? (mention verse)
7 Feasts, Root of David (Revelation5:1-5)