Career Theory Beginnings
More Career Theories
Assessments and Career Counseling
Serving Students through Career Counseling
Ethics in Career Counseling
Frank Parsons
Who developed Trait & Factor Theory?
genetics and special abilities, environmental conditions and events, learning experiences, and task approach skills.
According to the Learning Theory of Career Counseling, what are the 4 factors that influence career choice?
To help clients consider interests, skills, values, and personality as they relate to career and personal identity.
Why do career counselors use assessments?
Where can one find the most recent National Career Development Association's Code of Ethics?
A clear understanding of yourself, including aptitudes, abilities, interests, resources, limitations, and other qualities
What is level 1 of the Trait & Factor pyramid of career decisions?
Social Cognitive Career Theory
What is the career development theory that was developed by Lent, Brown and Hackett that uses personal constructions people place on events?
What shape is John Holland's diagram which helps in understanding client's work-enviorment fit?
middle school students are influenced by peers and constantly relating that to their sense of self and their self-knowledge, exploring educational and occupational interests are also prevalent, along with understanding the process of career planning.
What are some of the developmental concerns school counselors may need to be aware of when addressing career development?
An ethical dilemma occurs when rights are compromised or there is a struggle to determine the lesser of 2 evils.
When does an ethical dilemma occur?
A knowledge of the requirements and conditions of success, advantages and disadvantages, compensations, opportunities, and prospects in different lines of work.
What is level 2 of the Trait & Factor pyramid for making career decisions?
This theory emphasizes multiple ways in which people cope with career development tasks and transitions, the individuals construction of their careers by imposing meaning on vocational and occupational experiences, and utilizing the career style interview.
What is Savickas Career Construction Theory?
asks for interest preferences on a likert-type scale. Results are categorized in four areas, general occupational themes, basic interest scales, occupational scales, and personal style scales.
What is the Strong Interest Inventory?
The student's self-knowledge is growing and is impacting his/her growth and development. The student's educational and occupational exploration is becoming more specific and is understanding how societal needs can impact the labor market. The student is also developing and refining skills in career planning and understanding the interrelationships of life roles.
What is a high school career counselor working with in a high school student?
autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, justice, & fidelity.
What are the American Counseling Association's 5 principles for ethical practice?
A true reasoning on the relationship between the two groups of facts from Levels 1 and 2.
What is level 3 of the Trait and Factor pyramid of making career decisions?
This approach emphasizes the client's career decisions making interaction between cognitive and affective processes, relies on the cognitive operations and knowledge of career problem solving, promotes the idea tha tcareer development structures continually evolve, and use the CASVE cycle of career decision-making skills.
What is Peterson, Sampson, and Readrdon's Cognitive Information Approach to career development?
This assessment is self scored and self-administered. It also uses Holland typology and wilds suggestions for career exploration.
What is the Self-Directed Search?
Invite parents and students to attend career development workshops, send newsletters regarding career development, and be visible and available during major school events like open house and parent teacher conferences to discuss career goals of the student.
What are ways to get parents more invested in career development for their students?
Veracity, privacy, & confidentiality
What are Beauchamp & Childress's 3 additional principles that guide client-clinican relationships?
No Choice - Interest in an occupation for which the aptitude is less than requisite, interest in an occupation below the client’s ability level, or interests and abilities at the same level but in different fields. Uncertain Choice - The client has chosen a career but expresses doubt about the decision. Unwise Choice - Defined as a disagreement between a client's abilities and interests and the requirements of the occupation. Usually, unwise choice refers to a career decision for which the client has insufficient aptitude. Discrepancy Between Interests and Aptitudes - Interest in an occupation for which the aptitude is less than requisite, interest in an occupation below the client’s ability level, or interests and abilities at the same level but in different fields.
What are the 4 categories Williamson developed in an effort to understand how career decisions were made?
This theory underscored the ideas that acts are viewed as purposive and are directed towards specific goals. This theory also posits that career related actions are rooted within their context.
What is Young, Valach, and assoc.'s Contextualizing Career Development theory?
multiple-aptitude battery that measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success in the military. It is administered annually to more than one million military applicants, high school, and post-secondary students. The results are also based on Holland's RIASEC typology.
What is the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery?
experiential learning like job shadowing, internships, externships, co-ops, etc.
What is one of the best ways to gain occupational knowledge?
What ethical consideration should be negotiated when the clinician's inability to separate his/her substantial views/values exist?