Sarah's Favorite TV Show
What is New Girl?
Sarah cannot consume this animal product
What is Cheese / Milk / Dairy?
Sarah's Middle Name
Number of HTAC Shows Participated In (This Semester Included)
What is Eleven (11)?
Sarah's Current Chair in Collegiate Band
What is First (1st) / Principle ?
Sarah's Favorite Movie
What is The Princess Bride?
Sarah Will Continue to Use Expired Inhalers until This Condition is Met
What is None / The End of Time / No More Puffs ?
The Number of Years Sarah knew Doug before they started Dating
What is Six (6) Years?
Age of Sarah's Oldest Relative
What is Ninety (90)?
Sarah Has This Many Minors
What is Three (3)?
Sarah's Favorite Song
What is "Somebody to Love" by Queen?
Sarah's Biggest Phobia
What is Needles / Stabby Things ?
Sarah's High School Hobby
What is Scrapbooking?
The Name of Sarah's Former Roommate
Who is Vachelle?
Number of Semesters on Dean's List
What is Five (5)?
Sarah's Favorite Book
What is "The House by the Cerulean Sea"?
Sarah is Allergic to the Liquid Form only of this Fruit
What is Coconut?
This is the Name of Sarah's Beloved Elephant Stuffed Animal
Mr. Fluffypants
The Name of Sarah's Clarinet
Who is Oscar?
Sarah's High School Class Rank
What is Fourth (4th)?
Sarah's Favorite Episode of Doctor Who
What is "The Library"?
Sarah Discovered she had Asthma while Engaged in This Activity
What is Soccer?
Disney Princess: Enchanted Journey
The Chip Brand With the Closest Family Relation to Sarah
What is Herr's?
Sarah Has Been Alive for This Many Days
7,669 Days