The Cottage
Riverside Dr. Years
Pups and Cats
Trips and Vacations

During one cottage weekend Sarah broke this object and afterward told Cole and Katie she could just “glue it together.” 

What is a drinking glass.  


Sarah would do this visible sign to indicate to Katie she could come sleep in her room.  

What are two flashes of her light. 


This Walker family pup was similar in color to Peg.  

Who is Soda Pop.


Cole asked Sarah if she remembered to pack this item on the flight to camp at Widji.   

What are hiking boots.  


This response to something funny is one of Sarah's most beloved characteristics.    

What is her laugh.  


This friend of Katie's joined the family at the cottage one weekend and in the midst of a tantrum said she would walk home.  Cole also slapped her.  

Who is Ellen Reed

This was Sarah's first car.  

What is an Oldsmobile.  


This dog has always been the apple of her eye, the one who set the bar high for those who followed . 

Who is Jules.  


This is the musical that Sarah and Cole performed the summer she stayed in Lake Forest.  

What is Godspell. 


On the way to the Biffy at Camp Widji Cole and Sarah thought they saw this when Sarah's wheels got stuck on a tree root and she fell out of her chair.

What is a bear.  


Sarah and Grandpa liked to do this activity while at the cottage.   

What is fishing.  


Sarah's bedroom carpet was this color during the 80s. 

What is orange.  


This dog pulled Sarah in a sled until he saw a squirrel.

Who is Bumper


This place is Sarah's favorite place to vacation.  

What is Hawaii.  


This is Sarah's favorite meal.

What is steak and artichokes.  


This object was the roof of the fort she and Cole would make.  

What is a kiddie pool.  


On this road trip, Sarah and Cole told Katie that this artist had just passed by on his motorcycle.  

Who is Prince


This cat had kittens under Katie's bed. 

Who is Muffy.


This resort was where one could pretend they were on the set of Dirty Dancing.  It is here where a long running joke between Katie and Sarah began when GD called the waitress by her name.  

What is the Basin Harbor Club, and who is Mary. 


Young Sarah sang this song in front of the mirror. 

What is I always feel like somebody's watching me.


Sarah did this when she feared she may be locked in the boat house.

What is punch the window.  


Sarah performed this risky chore that required stepping on a foot pedal to break.  

What is mowing the field on the John Deere riding mower.  


While at Cole's wedding in CO this dog ate tuna fish off Aunt Ann's kitchen counter and proceeded to have diarrhea all night. 

Who is Jules.


Cole joined for this vacation, complete with canoeing and overnight camping without parents. 

What is the vacation in Canada.  


Cole and Sarah committed this crime at the beach in Boca Grande, angering GD.  

What is burning someone else's firewood.