When did I start wearing glasses?
What is my favorite dessert?
What is my comfort/fav show?
Modern Family
What makeup product do i hate wearing but still buy it?
Lip products
What place have i traveled to the most?
What was my favorite show when I was little?
what is my favorite drink?
What kids show do I still watch to this day?
What places do i tweak out over (sensory isssues)? Hint: 3
My neck, feet, fingers/hands
What was my favorite weird meal as a child?
Ketchup Tacos
What year did I move here?
Who are my top 3 artists?
The Weeknd, Bad Bunny, and Travis
What is my irrational fear and why?
Lizards, because I was going to sleep once and one got in my room and was on my bed
where is my birthmark and what shape is it?
Where would I wanna live if i moved states?
New York
What did I used to collect when I was little and why?
Coins, because I liked the noise they made in my pocket.
What is my favorite dog breed atm (Hint: not including Milo)
Dachshund (Weiner Dogs)
What noise do I hate the most?
Balloons or Shoes squeaking
What is something I have always wanted to do?
When did i first get highlights and when did i go back to brown
back to brown 2022/sophomore year) 2019 highlights summer before 7th
What was the meaning behind the wand that I got as a gift at my quince?
I used to have a wand when I was little and would cry for hours when i broke it so my parents had multiple at our house for when i broke it
What is my favorite food to eat when I go to mexico?
biggest pet peeve?
Having to repeat myself
What do I have to do in order to sleep most of the time ?
Make my bed first then undo it to sleep in it
How did my dog almost die?
My grandma gave him a chicken bone when he was a a little over a month old /bleeding