Sarcastic or serious 1
Mixed bag
Sarcasm Intentions
Sarcasm or indirect request?

John kicks the game winning goal in his football game. His friend says, "If only I played like you, John".

Was his friend being serious or sarcastic?

Serious. His friend probably does want to play like John since John scored the winning goal.


Tina sings beautifully during the school assembly. Afterwards, her friend says, "you sing like an angel". 

Was her friend being serious or sarcastic?

Bonus (add 50 points): what does you sing like an angel mean?

Serious. Tina sang beautifully. 

Bonus: you sing very well


Tommy saw that Joey got a bad grade on his math test. Tommy says, "wow, Joey, you're a genius". 

What is Joey's intention in saying this? (mean or funny)

To be mean. 


Ethan sat at the counter drinking chocolate milk. Jeffery came up and said, "Mmm, that sure looks good."

Is this sarcasm or an indirect request? 

Bonus (add 10 points): what did Jeffery really mean?

Indirect request

Bonus: Can I have some chocolate milk?


After coming last in the race, George's friend says, "they should name you the cheetah!"

Was his friend being serious or sarcastic?

Sarcastic. George is trying to say his friend is not fast like a cheetah. 


Surprise: Tell me your favorite flavor of ice cream!

Good job.


Whilst cooking dinner, Jen pulls the stuffing out of the chicken and asks where to put it. Her mother responds with "put it in your handbag-- what do you think?"

What do you think was Jen's mother's intention in saying this-- to be mean or funny?

To be funny. It's a silly thing to put chicken stuffing in a handbag. 


Katie was talking with her boyfriend on the phone, and they were obviously fighting about something. Bobby turned to Marco and asked, "Could she be any louder?"

Is this sarcasm or an indirect request?

Sarcasm. Bobby does not really want her to be louder. 


Whilst cooking dinner, Jen pulls the stuffing out of the chicken and asks where to put it. Her mother responds with "put it in your handbag-- what do you think?"

Was Jen's mother being serious or sarcastic?

Sarcastic. Jen's mother would not really want her to put stuffing in her handbag.


What is one reason people may use sarcasm?

To be funny


Hannah reminds Joan that they have a test today. Joan responds with "you just made my day".

What do you think was Joan's intention is saying this? (i.e. to be mean or funny)

To be funny. No one is hurt by this comment.


Mom carried the groceries in from the car while Bob and I played basketball. "Boy, these bags are heavy, " she said. 

Is this sarcasm or an indirect request?

Bonus (add 100 extra points): How could you respond to this?

Indirect request: mom would like help with the groceries.

Bonus: Help mom with carrying bags or ask if she wants help.


Jenna has just had her hair done. Her friend says "you look beautiful! Where did you get your hair cut?"

Was her friend being serious or sarcastic?



It rained on the day of the marathon, and Katie was really disappointed. She remarked, "Great weather we're having," to her best friend Lisa.

This is a sarcastic comment. What does Katie really mean?

The weather is pretty bad


After coming last in the race, George's friend says, "they should name you the cheetah!"

What do you think was his friend's intention in saying this (i.e. to be mean, or to be funny)?

Most likely to make George feel bad. 


Patty was painting a fence while Joey read a book nearby. "This sure is hard work," she said. 

Is this sarcasm or an indirect request?

Indirect request. Patty would like Joey to help her paint the fence.


Hannah reminds Joan that they have a test today. Joan responds with "you just made my day".

Was Joan being serious or sarcastic? 

Bonus (add 100 points): what does you made my day mean?

Sarcastic. Most people do not enjoy taking tests.

Bonus: Thanks to you, my day is better/happier. 


What is sarcasm?

A statement or comment that usually means the opposite of what it says. (i.e. Mom says you have to do your homework, you don't want to do your homework, but you say "I can hardly wait"). 


Janet has a cold. She blew her nose every two minutes. Bobby asked the class, "Is there an elephant in here?"

What was Bobby's intention is saying this? (to be mean or funny)

Most likely to be funny.


Give an example of a direct request and an example of an indirect request.

Example may vary:

Direct: Can I try your some of your food?

Indirect: Wow, your food looks really yummy. I wonder what it tastes like.