A holiday that celebrates the contributions of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples
What is National Indigenous Peoples Day?
The two official languages of Saskatchewan
What is English and French?
NOT a traditional food in Saskatchewan
What is sushi?
Traditional clothing worn in Saskatchewan
What is practical farm clothing and/or Indigenous beadwork and embroidery?
Major religions practiced in Saskatchewan
What is Christianity, Indigenous spiritual beliefs, Islam, Sikhism, Buddhism?
An indigenous language unique to the Métis people
What is Michif?
Traditional foods of Indigenous and Eastern European origin found in Saskatchewan
What is Bison, bannock, perogies, cabbage rolls, kielbasa? (only need one)
Structures commonly found in Saskatchewan’s rural landscape
What are grain elevators?
Saskatchewan Day is celebrated on
What is the first day in August?
A key type of music of Métis culture
What is Fiddle music?
Indigenous artistic traditions that continue to influence Saskatchewan’s art scene
What is beadwork, quillwork, pottery, and prairie landscape paintings?
A common feature of Prairie-style homes
What are Open layouts with a connection to nature?
Indigenous spiritual practice still observed in Saskatchewan
What is the Sun Dance?
Music that is common in Seskatchewan
What is Fold and Country?
A type of artwork is commonly associated with the Métis people
What is floral beadwork?
The influence of fashion in Seskatchewan (Why they were practical clothing over other fashions)
What is agricultural (farm) land and harsh winters