What does SAT stand for?
Scholastic Aptitude Test
What does the SAT test you on?
Math, reading, and writing.
What does ACT stand for?
American College Testing
What does the ACT test you on?
English, math, reading, science, and writing (optional).
What section does the ACT include that the SAT doesn't?
When do you take the SAT?
Your junior year of high school.
How many sections are on the SAT?
4 sections
In which grade do you take the ACT?
11th or 12th grade
Is the essay optional on the ACT?
Which test would colleges rather?
Colleges don't discriminate based on which test applicants take.
How much time do you get to finish the SAT?
180 minutes.
What is optional on the SAT?
The essay.
How long are given to complete the ACT?
2 hour and 55 minutes
How many sections are on the ACT?
4 sections
Which test is harder?
Neither test is harder than the other.
What is the lowest you can score on the SAT?
How can you prepare for the SAT?
By taking practice tests and studying.
What is the lowest you can score on the ACT?
The lowest you can get is 1.
True or False
With the exception of the essay the ACT is entirely multiple choice.
Which test is more popular in the United States, SAT or ACT?
What is the highest you can score on the SAT?
Does the SAT help you get into college?
What is the highest you can score on the ACT?
The highest you can score is a 36.
Why do you take the ACT?
To show colleges how prepared you are for higher education.
Which test is typically longer?