Scoring/Info about SAT
Writing and Essay
Things to Bring/Do

Both the Reading/Writing section and the Math section are scored within this range (aka, what is the minimum score and maximum score you can get for each of these two sections?)

200 - 800 points.


There are this many total questions in the reading section.



The two sections of the math section are the calculator section and the _____ section.

no calculator


True or False: the essay is optional.

True, but some schools you may be applying to require it.


What day is the SAT this year?

April 9th, 2019


How many points are deducted for a wrong answer or a guess on the SAT? 

ZERO! You are NOT penalized for wrong answers, but given one point for correct responses. It is in your advantage to answer every question even if it's a guess!


This is how much time you have to complete the reading portion of the SAT test.

65 minutes


There are this many total questions in the math section.

58 total (20 no calculator, 38 calculator)


There are this many questions in the writing section.

44 questions


How is at least one way you can find out your testing room for the SAT?

the testing rooms will be posted on the main hallway windows, ask a teacher, counselor, dean or administrator


What do the letters in SAT stand for?

Scholastic Assessment Test


Name at least one category that the readings will come from/focus on

Social Studies, History, Science or Literature


These two types of questions are in the math section.

Multiple choice and grid-in questions?


True or false: the writing section is made up of 44 questions that are multiple choice.



What is something you can do the night before to prepare for the SAT?

Get a good night's sleep

Eat a healthy dinner

Practice some SAT questions

Prepare your backpack with pencils, etc. 


Name one resource where you could find practice SAT questions

Khan Academy or the College Board website or google "Practice SAT questions"


True or False: You get a point for a correct answer and receive no points for an incorrect answer.

True. You receive points for correct answers and DO NOT lose a point for a wrong answer! Try and answer EVERY question!


On the student produced/grid questions you will be able to input your answer as a ______ or a ______.

a fraction or a decimal?


How much time is allotted for the writing section?

35 minutes


What is something you can do the morning of to prepare for the SAT?

Eat a good breakfast

Wake up with extra time so you aren't stressed

Do something relaxing like drink tea

Bring peppermint gum or candy

Choose a book to bring


The highest score you can get on the SAT is...



Name two testing tips you can use on the SAT.

Read directions THOROUGHLY.

Start with questions you know you can solve quickly first, then do the ones you know but may take longer and then spend time on the ones you are unsure of.

Pump your feet underneath your desk to relieve anxiety.

Breathe in for four seconds and out for four seconds.


How much time is allotted for each of the two math sections?

25 minutes No Calculator and 55 minutes Calculator


How much time is allotted if you have decided to do the optional essay?

50 minutes


What time do you need to be here the morning of April 9th for the SAT?

No later than 7:40 AM