Reading Info
Writing & Language Info
Reading Qs
Writing & Lang. Qs

How long is the SAT Reading test?

What is 65 minutes.


How long is the SAT Writing and Language test?

What is 35 minutes.


As used in line 1 and line 65, “directly” most nearly means 

A) frankly. 

B) confidently. 

C) without mediation. 

D) with precision.

1 -"Akira came directly, breaking all tradition."

65 - "I ask directly because the use of a go-between takes much time." 

What is C - without mediation.


Correctly place the comma(s) in the sentence below or state if it is already correct.

My estate goes to my husband son daughter-in-law and nephew.

What is:

My estate goes to my husband, son, daughter-in-law, and nephew.


When are you taking the SAT?

What is Wednesday, April 13.


How many questions are on the SAT Reading Test?

What is 52 questions.


How many questions is the SAT Writing & Language test?

What is 44 questions.


The main purpose of the first paragraph is to 

A) describe a culture. 

B) criticize a tradition. 

C) question a suggestion. 

D) analyze a reaction.

"Akira came directly, breaking all tradition. Was that it? Had he followed form—had he asked his mother to speak to his father to approach a go-between—would Chie have been more receptive?"  

What is D - analyze a reaction.


Correctly place the comma(s) in this sentence or state if it is already correct.

Having finally arrived in town, we went shopping.

What is already correct.


What time do you need to be in your testing room?

What is 7:40...don't be late!!!


How many passages will you be given to evaluate on the SAT Reading test?

What is 5.


How many passages will you be asked to proofread on the SAT Writing & Language test?

What is "it varies", but there will be several different passages.


As used in line 2, “form” most nearly means 

A) appearance. 

B) custom. 

C) structure. 

D) nature.

2 - "Had he followed form..."

What is B - custom.


Put the correct punctuation in this sentence or state if it is already correct.

Here are three states that begin with M Michigan Mississippi and Maine.

What is:

Here are three states that begin with M: Michigan, Mississippi, and Maine.


What are 3 items you NEED to bring on testing day? (Need all 3 to get full points.)

What are photo id, #2 pencils, and an approved calculator.


This is the main goal of the SAT Reading test.

What is to demonstrate your ability to analyze what you've read...or something similar.


This is the main goal of the SAT Writing & Language Test.

What is to be able to proofread a passage to correct basic grammatical errors...or something like that.


In line 10, the word “ambivalent” most nearly means 

A) unrealistic. 

B) conflicted. 

C) apprehensive. 

D) supportive.

10 - "...engender ambivalent feelings in gift-givers."  

What is B - conflicted.


Correctly place the semi-colon(s) in the sentence or state if it is already correct.

You need new brakes otherwise, you may not be able to stop in time.

What is:

You need new brakes; otherwise, you may not be able to stop in time.


True or False: You WILL be completing the SAT Essay test on Wednesday.

What is True.


What are the subjects of the passages you will be asked to read? (MUST give me all 3 to get full points.)

What are literature, social studies, and science.


True or False: You can successfully complete the SAT Writing & Language test without any prior knowledge.

What is False (-ish).


In the second paragraph (lines 12-19), what do the authors claim to be a feature of biological interest? 

A) The chemical formula of DNA 

B) The common fiber axis 

C) The X-ray evidence 

D) DNA consisting of two chains

"The first feature of our structure which is of biological interest is that it consists not of one chain, but of two. These two chains are both coiled around a common fiber axis. It has often been assumed that since there was only one chain in the chemical formula there would only be one in the structural unit. However, the density, taken with the X-ray evidence, suggests very strongly that there are two."  

What is D - DNA consisting of two chains.


Correctly place the hyphen(s) in the sentence or state if it is already correct.

There are thirty-two children in the English class.

What is:

Already correct...always hyphenate compound numbers if they are between 21 and 99.


What items should not be in the testing room? (Must provide at least 2 answers for full credit.)

What are cell phones, smart watches, and books/other reading materials.