Units and Systems

What are the call and response terms for the slope of a line?

PEE (per, each, every)


I want to buy a shirt that costs $12. But luckily, I have a coupon for 20% off! Oh wait, there's also a sales tax of 6% so I can't forget that. How much will I have to pay for the shirt? (round to the nearest hundredth)



What is 150 degrees in radians?

(simplified fraction)



A circle has a diameter of 8 inches. Find the area of the circle.



In math, what is the difference between visual vocabulary and color words?

Color words are used to find the most important pieces of information in the question stem and/or answer choices. Visual vocabulary involves using different shapes to track patterns in the answer choices.

Color Words - what's different?

Visual Vocab - what's the same?


Determine the slope and y-intercept of the equation 

3y - 15 = 9x 

m = 3

b = 5


What is f(8) - f(3) if f(x) = x^2 - 7 ?



Charles and Willow spent a combined total of 300 hours in the library last month. If Willow spent 54 more hours in the library than Charles did, how many hours did Charles spend in the library?

123 hours


In a circle with center P and radius r=10, central angle DPB has a measure of 3pi/5 radians. What is the area of the sector formed by angle DPB?



Which concepts are included under the big bucket GCT?

Graphs/Charts/Tables, Line of Best Fit, POW


A taxi company decides it will compete with Uber by charging riders less. It charges $2.25 as a service fee per ride, and $0.85 each mile. Write an equation to model the cost, C, as a function of miles, m.

C = .85m + 2.25


If |2x+5| = 7 and |3y-1| = 4, what is a possible value of |xy| ? 

1, 5/3, 6, or 10


x-3y = 7
3y = 9
If (a,b) is the solution to the given system of equations, what is the value of a?

a) -2
b) 10
c) 16
d) 3

c) 16


An octagon has four angles measuring 150 degrees, two angles measuring 135 degrees, and one angle measuring 90 degrees. What is the measure of the last angle?

120 degrees


What is the difference between the "systems of equations" and "2 equations 2 variables" concepts?

2 equations 2 variables is a word problem where you have to actually set up the system. In system of equations, the system is already set up for you and you just have to solve it.


Jack pays a flat fee of $25 to rent a truck plus $0.75 for every mile he drives the truck. If Jack paid a total of $275 to rent a truck, how many miles did he drive it? (Round to nearest whole mile)

333 miles


In the equation below a, b, and c are all constants. What is the value of b?

3x(2x+4) + 5(6x+2) = ax2+bx+c 

b = 42


A group of 250 people go camping with 80 tents. Some tents can hold 2 people while others hold 4. If all tents are filled, how many tents were 4-person tents?



In triangle ABC, angle B is 90 degrees, AB = 12, and AC = 13. Triangle LMN is similar to ABC, where L, M, and N correspond to A, B, and C and each side of LMN is half the length of the corresponding side in triangle ABC. What is the length of MN?



What are the three call and responses for FRIZ-V ?

plug in zero

-b/2a (line of symmetry)

lying x's (y tells the truth)


The temperature T of an oven after it has begun preheating is a linear function of the amount of time m that has elapsed and is given by the equation T(m) = 30.7m + 71. Which is the best interpretation of 71 in this context?

a) The temperature of the oven after it has been preheated.

b) The temperature fo the oven after 30.7 minutes of preheating.

c) The temperature of the oven initially when it started preheating.

d) The increase in temperature of the oven for every minute the oven is preheating.



Find the value of x that is a solution to the equation below.

1/2 x + 3/4 = 5/6 - 2/3 x



Omg! Omg! Omg! My patient is in code blue! He is in desperate need of carbamazepine. The dude weighs 75 kg, the correct dosage for the medication is 7 mg per pound and it comes in a solution with a concentration of 23 mg/ml. How many ml of the carbamazepine solution do I need to administer to my patient? Hurry please! He doesn't have much time!

( 1 kg = 2.2 lbs)

50.2 ml


In triangle ABC, the measure of angle B is 90 degrees, BC = 12, and AB = 9. What is the value of cosC?



Name at least FOUR of the SIX concepts in the Quadratic big bucket.

DOTS, FOIL, Double Bubble, Quadratic, Quadratic Formula, FRIZ-V