Heart of Algebra
Passport to Advanced Mathematics
Problem Solving & Data Analysis
Additional Topics in Math
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If a/b = 2, what is the value of 4b/a?

What is 2?


If 3x − y = 12, what is the value of 8^x/2^y? a. 2^12 b. 4^4 c. 8^2 d. It cannot be determined from information given.

What is a?


If y = kx, where k is a constant, and y = 24 when x = 6, what is the value of y when x = 5 ?

What is 20?

what is the sum (7 + 3i) + (−8 + 9i) ?
What is -1+12i?
If (x− 1)/3=k and k = 3, what is the value of x ?
What is 10?

A line in the xy-plane passes through the origin and has a slope of 1/7. Which of the following points lies on the line? A) (0, 7) B) (1, 7) C) (7, 7) D) (14, 2)

What is D?


If (ax + 2)(bx + 7) = 15x^2 + cx + 14 for all values of x, and a + b = 8, what are the two possible values for c ? A) 3 and 5 B) 6 and 35 C) 10 and 21 D) 31 and 41

What is D?


Katarina is a botanist studying the production of pears by two types of pear trees. She noticed that Type A trees produced 20 percent more pears than Type B trees did. Based on Katarina’s observation, if the Type A trees produced 144 pears, how many pears did the Type B trees produce?

What is 120?


If 1/3 of a number is 4 less than 1/2 of the number, the number is

24. Let x represent the unknown number. Since 1/3 of x is 4 less than 1/2 of x, x/3 = x/2 - 4. So, 2x = 3x - 24, giving x = 24.


What is the perimeter of a square that has an area of 25?



The posted weight limit for a covered wooden bridge in Pennsylvania is 6000 pounds. A delivery truck that is carrying x identical boxes each weighing 14 pounds will pass over the bridge. If the combined weight of the empty delivery truck and its driver is 4500 pounds, what is the maximum possible value for x that will keep the combined weight of the truck, driver, and boxes below the bridge’s posted weight limit?

What is 107?


h = − 4.9t^2 + 25t The equation above expresses the approximate height h, in meters, of a ball t seconds after it is launched vertically upward from the ground with an initial velocity of 25 meters per second. After approximately how many seconds will the ball hit the ground?

What is 5.1?


The regular price of software at a computer superstore is 12% off the retail price. During an annual sale, the same software is 25% off the regular price. If the retail price is p, what is the sale price in terms of p?

0.66p. Since the regular price of software is 12% off the retail price p, the regular price of the software can be expressed as 0.88p. So the sale price is 0.75 x 0.88p = 0.66p.


Fruit for a dessert costs $1.20 a pound. If 5 pounds of fruit are needed to make a dessert that serves 18 people, what is the cost of the fruit needed to make enough of the same dessert to serve 24 people?

$8.00. If 5 pounds of fruit serve 18 people, then 5/18 pound serves one person, so 24 x 5/18 = 20/3 pounds. Since the fruit costs $1.20 a pound, the cost of the fruit needed to serve 24 people is 20/3 x $1.20 = $8.00.


Kathy is a repair technician for a phone company. Each week, she receives a batch of phones that need repairs. The number of phones that she has left to fix at the end of each day can be estimated with the equation P = 108 − 23d, where P is the number of phones left and d is the number of days she has worked that week. What is the meaning of the value 108 in this equation?

What is Kathy will start each week with 108 phones to fix?


Wyatt can husk at least 12 dozen ears of corn per hour and at most 18 dozen ears of corn per hour. Based on this information, what is a possible amount of time, in hours, that it could take Wyatt to husk 72 dozen ears of corn?

What is any number between 4-6 inclusive?


A culture of 5000 bacteria triples every 15 minutes. What is the size of the bacteria population after 2 hours have elapsed?


A local television station sells time slots for programs in 30-minute intervals. If the station operates 24 hours per day, every day of the week, what is the total number of 30-minute time slots the station can sell for Tuesday and Wednesday?
What is 96?

A dairy farmer uses a storage silo that is in the shape of the right circular cylinder with height 8. If the volume of the silo is 72π cubic yards, what is the diameter of the base of the cylinder, in yards?

What is 6?


h = 3a + 28.6 A pediatrician uses the model above to estimate the height h of a boy, in inches, in terms of the boy’s age a, in years, between the ages of 2 and 5. Based on the model, what is the estimated increase, in inches, of a boy’s height each year?

What is 3?


Let the function f be defined by f(x) = 3x-1 and let the function g be defined by g(x) = x^2. If m is a positive number such that f(7) = g(m) + g(2), what is the value of m?



Jessica opened a bank account that earns 2 percent interest compounded annually. Her initial deposit was $100, and she uses the expression $100(x)^t to find the value of the account after t years. What is the value of x in the expression?

What is 1.02?


When the number of people who contribute equally to a gift decreases from four to three, each person must pay an additional $10. What is the cost of the gift?



x, y, 22, 14, 10... In this sequence, each term after the first term x is obtained by halving the term that comes before it and then adding 3 to that number. What is the value of x-y?

32. x=70, y=38. 70-38=32.


g(x) = ax^2 + 24 For the function g defined above, a is a constant and g(4) = 8. What is the value of g(−4) ?

What is 8?