What percentage is the reading and the writing respectively?
The percentages are 54% reading and 46% writing
What are the 4 areas seen in the rules section?
Punctuation, grammar, transitions and rhetorical synthesis.
What is the first step in the RW section?
Read the question
How many modules are there for the reading and writing portion of the test?
What type of question is this?
"Which choice best describes the function of the underlined portion of the text."
Reading comprehension
How long has Mr. Roman been teaching?
29 years
How many question are there in each module?
There are 27 questions
What type of question is this?
"Which choice effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?"
Rhetorical synthesis
What is the room number?
Besides vocabulary, what are the other types of literature that you will see in the test?
A story, a poem, or a chart.
What is POOD?
Personal order of difficulty
Who is the publisher of the book we are using in class?
Princeton Review
What is the order of the types of questions that you will see in the PSAT?
Reading, rules, rhetoric
What types of tools can you use in the reading and writing section.
Mark for review, and the annotate tool.
What is the combined score in reading and math you need to graduate?
970 total
470 English-500Math