This question type includes bar graphs, line graphs.
What is charts?
Formula for finding missing side of right triangle?
What is Pythagorean Theorem?
Typically used to separate 3 or more items in a list.
What is a comma?
To encourage or promote the development of: like child or a puppy.
What is foster?
Used to find the intersection of two lines or the minimum of a parabola.
What is DESMOS?
These questions typically ask how one author, one person, or group of people would respond to a previous author, person, or group of people.
What are dual passages?
Final amount equals original amount times multiplier to the number of changes.
What is exponential growth or decay?
Punctuation used to merge two independent clause instead of a period.
What is a semi-colon?
Prefix meaning both.
What is Ambi?
Technique used when variables are in answers or question.
What is plugging in?
Question type that includes the phrase according to the text.
What are retrieval questions?
Drawn on a graph in this format f(x)=ax^2+bx+c
What is the standard form of a parabola?
Action word or the state of being.
What is a verb.
To check the accuracy of something, you might get this for your car to prove why you parked their in order to avoid paying for parking.
What is validate?
Two tools on the reading and writing module that you should always use to guide you to POE the right answer.
What are the highlighter and annotation box?
First step of all reading passages.
What is read the question?
Term in front of variable.
What is a coefficient?
Before this punctuation is an independent clause after is either a dependent or independent but must be related to the first part.
What is a colon?
To attempt to gain an advantage from an opportunity or situation also something you can do to letters.
What is capitalize?
Typically when you see numbers in the answer.
What is PITA?
One of three reading passage types that you will see on the SAT. Examples are poetry and stories.
What is literature?
What is the standard form of a circle?
When the order of the words change look for a phrase either before after the blank.
What are modifiers?
You can reuse to believe a theory but this similar sounding word means to prove the theory is wrong or false.
What is refute?
Technique used to help solve questions in reading modules and math modules.
What is POE