Text Evidence
Main Idea
Interpreting Graphs
Context Clues
Making Inferences

What is the best definition for the term "textual evidence."

a. quotes from the text

b. specific details from the text that support the conclusion you have drawn

c. any mention of something from the text

d. a short summary of the text's main ideas

b. specific details from the text that support the conclusion you have drawn


Where can you often find a main idea?

a. topic sentence

b. final sentence

c. throughout the whole story

d. in the conclusion

a. topic sentence


Look at the graph. Which is correct?
Sales of food and drink... from Monday to Friday.

a. remain stable

b. rise

c. drop 

d. fluctuate

d. fluctuate


 Based on context clues, what does the underlined word mean? The generous people fed the emaciated lost dog.

a. fierce

b. calm

c. thin

d. tame

c. thin


What the best definition for the term "infer" as it relates to the study of a text.

a. to guess

b. to draw a reasoned conclusion based on evidence

c. to hint at but not state directly

d. to restate an idea in different wording

b. to draw a reasoned conclusion based on evidence


Every day after work Paul took his muddy boots off on the steps of the front porch.  Alice would have a fit if the boots made it so far as the welcome mat.  He then took off his dusty overalls and threw them into a plastic garbage bag; Alice left a new garbage bag tied to the porch railing for him every morning.  On his way in the house, he dropped the garbage bag off at the washing machine and went straight up the stairs to the shower as he was instructed.  He would eat dinner with her after he was "presentable," as Alice had often said.  
Based on the text, how do you know Paul works in construction?

a. He has tools

b. He goes straight up the stairs to shower

c. His boots are muddy and his overalls are dusty

d. He wears a hat

c. His boots are muddy and his overalls are dusty


Keep your teeth happy. Brush your teeth twice a day. Make sure you floss your teeth every time you brush and after you eat. Avoid eating anything that sticks to your teeth, like candy and syrup. Eat vegetables and fruits that don't cause cavities.
What is the main idea?

a. Take care of your teeth

b. Brush your teeth twice a day

c. Avoid eating candy and syrup

d. Eat more vegetables

a. Take care of your teeth


What is the general trend of this line graph?

a. The more you mow, the more money you make

b. The more you mow, the less money you make

c. You make the same amount of money regardless of how long you mow

a. The more you mow, the more money you make


Based on context clues, what is the definition of the underlined word?

It meant that Hall and Hansen struggled, taking more than 12 hours to traverse a stretch of ridge typically covered by descending climbers in half an hour

a. cross

b. decide

c. measure

d. gauge

a. cross


They weren’t on the hook by the phone and they weren’t in her purse. Alison checked the pockets of the jacket she’d worn the day before, but they weren’t there either. She looked at her watch and realized she would be late for work if she didn’t leave soon. Make an inference: what is Alison looking for? 

Her keys


Which piece of evidence could be used to BEST support this claim:
High school students should be required to wear uniforms.

a. When adding everything up, a school uniform could end up costing less than $20.

b. A student reported, "Mandating school uniforms could reduce bullying."

c. At one school that recently required students to wear uniforms, attendance rates went up, and behavior incidents went down.

d. School uniforms can be ordered online .

c. At one school that recently required students to wear uniforms, attendance rates went up, and behavior incidents went down.


The ice melted on a Norwegian mountain during a particularly warm summer in 2019, revealing a 1,700-year-old sandal to a mountaineer looking for artifacts. The sandal would normally have degraded quickly, but it was instead well preserved for centuries by the surrounding ice. According to archaeologist Espen Finstad and his team, the sandal, like those worn by imperial Romans, wouldn’t have offered any protection from the cold in the mountains, so some kind of insulation, like fabric or animal skin, would have needed to be worn on the feet with the sandal.

What is a main idea about the discovery of the sandal?

a. The discovery revealed that the Roman Empire had more influence on Norway than archaeologists previously assumed.

b. The sandal would have degraded if it hadn’t been removed from the ice.

c. Temperatures contributed to both protecting and revealing the sandal.

d. Archaeologists would have found the sandal eventually without help from the general public.

c. Temperatures contributed to both protecting and revealing the sandal.


Between which two times was the greatest increase in number of shoppers?

a. 11 AM to 12 PM

b. 1 PM to 2 PM

c. 12 PM to 1 PM

c. 12 PM to 1 PM


Based on context clues, what is the definition of the underlined word?

By now tendrils of mist were wrapping across...and lapping at Everest's summit pyramid. No longer did the weather look so benign.

a. dangerous

b. bad

c. harmless

d. wonderful

c. harmless


Macey's mom noticed that she was squinting as she read her book, which was only a few inches away from her face. She scheduled a doctor's appointment for the next week, and when the doctor said Macey needed glasses, she tried on every single pair in the office. After spending an hour looking at glasses, mom suggested that perhaps she should sleep on it and come back and decide in the morning. Macey agreed, but she kept talking about the pros and cons of each pair all night long.
What is the best inference about Macey?

a. Macey is mad at her mother.

b. Macey does not want glasses.

c. Macey is very excited about getting glasses.

d. Macey has trouble making decisions.

d. Macey has trouble making decisions.


Claim: Snowball was an intelligent pig, he fought hard to improve the lives of the farm animals. Which quote below best supports the claim above?

a. " Comrade," said Snowball, "those ribbons that you are so devoted to are the badge of slavery" (Orwell 9)

b. "At the Meetings Snowball often won over the majority by his brilliant speeches, but Napoleon was better at canvassing support for himself in between times" (Orwell 24)

c. " But he (Snowball) maintained that it (the windmill) could all be done in a year. And thereafter, he declared, so much labour would be saved that the animals would only need to work three days a week" (Orwell 25).

d. None of these

c. " But he (Snowball) maintained that it (the windmill) could all be done in a year. And thereafter, he declared, so much labour would be saved that the animals would only need to work three days a week." (Orwell 25).


It was not really a pretty house at all; it was quite ordinary, and mother thought it was rather inconvenient, and was quite annoyed at there being no shelves, to speak of, and hardly a cupboard in the place. Father used to say that the ironwork on the roof and coping was like an architect’s nightmare. But the house was deep in the country, with no other house in sight, and the children had been in London for two years, without so much as once going to the seaside even for a day by an excursion train, and so the White House seemed to them a sort of Fairy Palace set down in an Earthly Paradise.

Which choice best states the main idea of the text?

a. The house is beautiful and well built, but the children miss their old home in London.

b. The children don’t like the house nearly as much as their parents do.

c. Each member of the family admires a different characteristic of the house.

d. Although their parents believe the house has several drawbacks, the children are enchanted by it.

d. Although their parents believe the house has several drawbacks, the children are enchanted by it.


After looking at the graph, which statement is correct?

A) Chicago has higher homicide rates than New York;

B) Chicago has higher homicide rates than Philadelphia;

C) Houston has higher homicide rates than Chicago;

D) New York has higher homicide rates than Los Angeles;

A) Chicago has higher homicide rates than New York;


Based on the context clues, what does the underlined word mean? Is it true that the person sitting on the back of a tandem bicycle doesn't have to pedal as hard?

a. a type of motorbike

b. a type of bike with three wheels

c. to have two seats side-by-side

d. to have seats one behind another

d. to have seats one behind another


It was the sea eagle that called Emily down to the beach. It hovered above the waves, it's broad wings dusty where the land had left its mark, its small eyes that could follow the horizon bright and keen.
She hadn't meant to come down onto the beach. She'd meant to sit at the top of the ramp till the other kids had left the street, till she could walk home from school in peace, without strangers staring at her. but somehow the bird seemed to urge her to come down.
Make in inference: how does Emily feel? 

a. calm

b. sympathetic 

c. cheerful

d. unhappy

d. unhappy


“The Rock and the Sea” is an 1893 poem by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. In the poem, a rock is portrayed as intending to confront and restrain the sea: ______

Which quotation from “The Rock and the Sea” most effectively illustrates the claim?

a. “I am the Rock. Black midnight falls; / The terrible breakers rise like walls; / With curling lips and gleaming teeth / They plunge and tear at my bones beneath.”

b. “I am the Sea. The earth I sway; / Granite to me is potter’s clay; / Under the touch of my careless waves / It rises in turrets and sinks in caves.”

c. “I am the Sea. I hold the land / As one holds an apple in his hand, / Hold it fast with sleepless eyes, / Watching the continents sink and rise.”

d. “I am the Rock, presumptuous Sea! / I am set to encounter thee. / Angry and loud or gentle and still, / I am set here to limit thy power, and I will!”

d. “I am the Rock, presumptuous Sea! / I am set to encounter thee. / Angry and loud or gentle and still, / I am set here to limit thy power, and I will!”


In a paper about p-i-n planar perovskite solar cells (one of several perovskite cell architectures designed to collect and store solar power), Lyndsey McMillon-Brown et al. describe a method for fabricating the cell’s electronic transport layer (ETL) using a spray coating. Conventional ETL fabrication is accomplished using a solution of nanoparticles. The process can result in a loss of up to 80% of the solution, increasing the cost of manufacturing at scale—an issue that may be obviated by spray coating fabrication, which the researchers describe as “highly reproducible, concise, and practical.”

What does the text most strongly suggest about conventional ETL fabrication?

a. It typically entails a greater loss of nanoparticle solution than do other established approaches for ETL fabrication.

b. It is less suitable for manufacturing large volumes of planar p-i-n perovskite solar cells than an alternative fabrication method may be.

c. It is somewhat imprecise and therefore limits the potential effectiveness of p-i-n planar perovskite solar cells at capturing and storing solar power.

d. It is more expensive when manufacturing at scale than are processes for fabricating ETLs used in other perovskite solar cell architectures.

b. It is less suitable for manufacturing large volumes of planar p-i-n perovskite solar cells than an alternative fabrication method may be.


A review of 2000-2015 homicide rates shows that, in Chicago alone, for every 100,000 people, 19 are violated each year.

The writer wants to include information from the graph that is consistent with the murder statistics included in the passage. What should the underlined phrase say for it to be a true statement that reflects what the graph says?


B) 17 are murdered

C) 12 are injured

D) 5 are victims

B) 17 are murdered


Our eyes lit up when we shook each other’s hands. Right out of the gate we both had the same grip and strength to our handshakes. Each had a genuine smile and a light heart. It seemed like a rather auspicious beginning.

Based on context clues, what does the word auspicious most likely mean?

a. giving a sign of a future fight

b. giving a sign of hard work

c. giving a sign of future success

d. giving a sign of past anger

c. giving a sign of future success


Cassie rolled over in her bed as she felt the sunlight hit her face. The sun was warming the back of her neck when she slowly realized that it was a Thursday, and she felt a little too good for a Thursday. Struggling to open her eyes, she looked up at the clock. "9:48," she shouted, "Holy cow!" Cassie jumped out of bed, threw on the first outfit that she grabbed, brushed her teeth, threw her books into her backpack, and then ran out the door. What can we infer has happened in the text? 

Cassie overslept and will be late for school.