Major Policies
Credits and PBAs
Other Policies
Processes and Procedures
Safety Procedures & Other

What two things are not tolerated at SAHS?

Violence and weapons


How many total credits do you need to graduate high school?



What is the maximum allowed absences in A, B, C, D slot classes per semester?

A,B,C & D slots may have a maximum of 10 days.


What happens if a student is absent on registration day for classes? 

Any student who misses his or her registration appointment will be registered for courses according to the advisor’s choosing. 

This can result in being closed out of classes that are needed for graduation.


When is tutoring available at SAHS? 

Tutoring is available Monday - Thursday 3:20pm to 4:20pm


When can student lockers be randomly searched?

When there may be a weapon in the building.


How many subjects do students have to take the Regents? Which subject(s)?

English only


What happens when a student cuts a class for the first time in a semester? What are the consequences?

Advisor meets with student, calls home and informs parents of their child’s actions within 24 hours, gives initial warning of potential “Captive Lunch”, enters action into Focus.


What are two ways students can earn extra credits at SAHS?

  1. PM School

  2. Summer School


During fire drills can students use their phones?


The use of cellphones and electronic devices during an emergency procedure is strictly forbidden. 


What happens if you get into a fight at SAHS?

You will be subject to the strictest penalties, including a possible move to a more appropriate learning environment.


How many credits do students need in Physical Education?



When are students not allowed to use the bathrooms at SAHS?

During the first and last ten minutes of class.


Under what circumstances can student metrocards be turned off? 

After 5 consecutive unexcused absences student metrocards will be turned off.


Where is the Lost & Found located at SAHS? 

Room 213, the Climate Culture Center (CCC) room.


What are three things that may happen if a student doesn't follow Satellite's "cooperation with staff" policy?

  • Loss of student earned privileges, including: 

  • Elevator Pass

  • Earned Points

  • External Lunch

  • Access to special programming, etc.

  • Administrative Discipline

  • Suspension 


How many subjects are students required to present a PBA in?


Social Studies





What is required to get an elevator pass at SAHS?

  • A medical note clearly outlining the need for the student to be granted access  to use the Elevator,

  • An Elevator pass. Elevator passes can be earned through a variety of actions including,

  • Earning Student of the week 

  • Earning enough points to purchase a “Day Pass”

  • Administration Awarded “Day Pass”


When can students eat food in the school building, and where can they eat?

Students can eat before A slot and during lunch in the cafeteria.

On the last Friday of every month advisors may choose to celebrate student birthdays by providing cake and snacks during family group. 

Students may only eat in classrooms during school sponsored events.


When a student isn't feeling well, how can she or he leave the building?

She or he gets permission from the Principal, Assistant Principal or Dean and has his or her advisor’s recommendation.

A call to the student’s home is made to obtain a parent's permission to send the student home.


How many Major Policies does SAHS have, and what are they?

1. Violence and Weapons

2. Drugs & Alcohol

3. Stealing

4. Cooperation with Staff Policy

5. Vandalism

6. Verbal Abuse

7. Use of Social Media


Science graduation requirements include earning 6 credits. 

What are the two Science subject areas students are required to earn a minimum of 2 credits in? 

  • Minimum 2 credits in life science

  • Minimum 2 credits in physical science


How many steps are there in the ladder of referrals on the SAHS Electronics Policy? 

Describe ONE of the steps.


Step 1: (Warning) Teacher will remind and encourage students to put phone away. 

Step 2: Failure to adhere to teacher warnings may lead to the phone being confiscated from student by staff (teacher, support team member) and returned at the end of the class period. Phones that are confiscated by (Admin/Dean) will be returned at the end of the school day.  Actions will be logged accordingly in the Student Information System.

Step 3: After 3 recorded electronic violations in any month- a range of consequences exist including,

  • Completion of an electronics violations reflection form/assignment 

  • Loss of phone use privileges

  • Loss of points earned through point system

  • Loss of access to special programs (i.e, LTW, After School programs, Access to student lounge, etc)

  • Students having to drop phone off with admin/dean.

  • Students who meet one or both of the following exceptions:


In the SAHS Cutting Policy, what happens when a student cuts for the second time? What are the consequences? 

Advisor flags student to meet with CCC. CCC calls parents to inform them of infraction and of the assignment of Captive lunch. Captive Lunch is assigned, 1 day.


What are the three things students need to do when there is a lockdown emergency at SAHS?

  1. Stop whatever they are doing and follow all directions provided by the teacher. 

  2. Move out of sight and maintain silence

  3. Remain inside the building