This tasty Japanese food is made with rice and raw fish
What is Sushi?
Past tense of “Buy”
What is “bought”?
How can you say 得意 in English?
Good at
Japanese terror movie. A woman with long black hair kills people.
What is “Sadako”?
Efe sensei’s favorite coloring.
What is “red”
What is “the color red”?
This fruit grows on trees. It can be red or green. It is white in the inside and can be sweet or a little sour.
What is an apple?
Change the following sentence to English.
His shoes ARE red.
The plural of mouse
What is “Mice”?
Japanese kids movie. A superhero made from bread fights with germs.
What is “Anpanman”?
Doraemon is this kind of animal.
What is a cat?
This spicy dish is from outside Japan. Usually eaten with Nan bread it is a common dish in Indian restaurants.
What is curry?
Change the following sentence to English
If I could, I would go to America.
If I could, I would like to go to America.
The English word for そろばん.
What is Abacus?
Old American movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger in which he fights with robots from the future.
What is Terminator 2?
Sakamoto Ryoma died in this place.
What is Kyoto?
Dish of different ingredients like egg, daikon, potato, Chikuwa etc. You can buy it warm during autumn and winter in all convenience stores in Japan. It is usually eaten with mustard.
What is Oden?
Complete the sentence.
When I was younger I ___________ play basketball, but not anymore.
Used to
The opposite of kind.
What is “strict”?
Japanese movie in which a Roman architect travels to future Japan and learns a lot from its public baths’ culture.
What is Thermae Roman?
The capital city of Argentina
What is “Buenos Aires”?
Made from beans this paste is a favorite of Japanese children and adults. You can find it many different kinds of sweets and deserts.
What is azuki?
Complete the sentence.
Hokkaido is _______ than Nara.
The English word for カモノハシ
What is a Platypus?
Old Japanese movie directed by Yasujiro Ozu. In which a daughter-in-law takes care of her father and mother-in-law when they visit Tokyo.
What is “Tokyo Monogatari?”
What is Petrichor?