Church History

The first verse of this doxology is "We worship the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, hail to the Church, the house of the angels." 

What is the Morning Doxology? 


This traditionally hangs above the iconostasis and in front of the sanctuary. 

What is the ostrich egg? 


This saint invented Sunday School and, in my humble opinion, is THE ABSOLUTE BEST. 

Who is St. Archdeacon Habib Girgis? 


He was the first pope of Alexandria. 

Who is St. Mark the Evangelist?

This book is considered to be written by Moses even though he was not alive during the events of it. 

What is Genesis? 


This hymn is sung following Psalm 150 during all of the days proceeding the Feast of Pentecost until the Feast of the Apostles. 

What is Asomen? 


This is read after the Acts of the Apostles and before the Gospel. 

What is the synaxarium? 


Aside from St. Mary and the heavenly orders, this saint is the only saint capable of not simply praying but interceding on our behalf. He is the only saint strong enough to get "Nipresvia" instead of "Nievshee" in the Hitens. 

Who is St. John the Baptist? 


It was at this council that the Oriental Orthodox Church affirmed its faith in the "One Nature of the Incarnate Logos." 

What is the Council of Chalcedon? 


This books contains 31 chapters, with each chapter meant to be read during each day of the month. 

What is Proverbs? 


These two hymns are recorded as the longest and most difficult hymns in the Coptic Orthodox Church. 

 What are hymns the Kiahk Ode and Teoi Enhikanos (Melismatic Tune)?


The first of this month marks Coptic New Year. 

What is Thoout? 


This saint's father of confession was St. Isadore. 

Who is St. Moses the Black/St. Moses the Strong?


This pope was the first to establish Coptic schools for girls in 1853. He also found a printing press for the use of the Coptic Orthodox Church. 

Who is Pope Kyrillos the 4th? 

Considered one of the most mournful and powerful psalms, this psalm is the only one confirmed not to have been written by David as it describes events past his life. Famously, this psalm begins with "By the Rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept when we remembered Zion."

What is Psalm 137?


Considered a "lost hymn" of the Coptic Orthodox Church, this hymn is meant to be sung during Nativity and its tune has been replaced with that of Pi-Epnevma. 

What is Oocio Afshai? 


This is lifted by the priest and deacon during the Liturgy of the Faithful, as Greet One Another is prayed, to symbolize the angel moving the stone after the resurrection. 

What is the prospheron? 


Their feast day is on November 4. These two Christian ascetics were friends who joined the monastery together. When one of them died, the other went deeper into the wilderness, continued great works, and received praise from St. Makarius. One of them shares a name with a NASA Space Program. 

Who are Abba Apollo and Abba Abib? 


This church is considered to be the first established Coptic Orthodox Church in North America, constructed in the late 1960s. 

What is St. Mark's Coptic Orthodox Church of Jersey City? 


This figure is the only female judge mentioned in the Book of Judges. She renders judgements beneath a date palm and has a song attributed to her, considered by many to be the first sample of Hebrew Poetry in history. 

Who is Deborah? 


The writer of this hymn is John from Samanoud, also referenced in the last verses of this hymn. 

What is Amen Alleluia of Kiahk? 


These two books of the Old Testament are read from when a monk or nun are consecrated. 

What is Genesis and Sirach? 


This saint is famous for always asking "What is the time right now?"

Who is St. Abouna Yostos el Antoni?


This liturgy is considered to be the most reflective liturgy of the liturgy prayed by St. Mark in the 1st century. It was only preserved through memorization and oral translation until this pope wrote it down. 

What is St. Cyril's Liturgy? 

He was the last king of Judah before the Babylonian Captivity. 

Who is Jeconiah?