Marine Plastic
Cleanup Efforts
General Ocean
General Freshwater

What are microplastics?

What is very small pieces of plastic less than 5 mm in length that pollute the environment?

What impact does plastic have on climate change?

What is it contributes to global warming?


When and who banned the use of microbeads in cosmetics and personal care products?

What is Obama banned the use of microbeads in cosmetics and personal care products in 2015? 


Which ocean is the largest and the deepest?

What is Pacific Ocean?


What is the only substance found on earth naturally in three forms and name the three forms?

What is water and solid, liquid, and gas?


What are the health impacts of micrplastics on humans?

What is the health impacts are unknown?


What are two natural causes of water pollution?

What is volcanoes, algae blooms, animal waste, and silt from storms and floods?


What is two ways that you can help reduce microplastics in the environment?

What is 

  • Get a water filter and stop using bottled water

  • Buy non-synthetic eco-friendly clothes

  • Get a laundry ball: catches microfibers shedding off our clothes in the washer

  • Air dry, don’t use the dryer

  • Use public transport and favor rail infrastructure

  • Reduce your meat and fish consumption 

  • Reduce use of single-use plastic? 


How many oceans does the Equator run through?

What is 3 oceans?


How much of the Earth's water if fresh water?

What is 1%?


Microbeads account for what percentage of microplastists pollution in the Great Lakes?

What is 20 percent?


What percent of marine debris are marine plastics?

What is 80%?


What percentage of microplastics are removed during preliminary and primary treatment of WWTP?

What is 72%?


Which ocean has been found to be the saltiest ocean in the world?

What is the Atlantic Ocean?


What is the name of the river that West Point is located on?

What is the Hudson River?


What are three ways that plastic pollution harms marine life?

What is plastic pollution harms the fertility, growth, and survival of marine life?


What are two reasons why "plastic rafts" are a problem?

What is species enter foreign environments where they wreak havoc as invasive species or act as vectors of diseases?


What type of new innovated fluid has been developed to remove microplastics from water?

What is a ferrofluid?


What is the name of the deepest known point int he Pacific Ocean?

What is the Mariana Trench?


What is the world's muddiest major river and where is it located?

What is the Yellow River located in China?


How many paricles per sqaure km of microplastics does Lake Ontario contain?

What is 1.1 million particles per square km?


How many tons of plastic end up in the ocean each year?

What is 8 million tons?


What are the three products that companies are producing from recycled plastic collected in the ocean?

What is plastic yarn to make graduation gowns, plastic bricks to build homes and sunglasses?


What are the names of the 5 different rotating  ocean gyres?

What is North Pacific, South Pacific, North Atlantic, South Atlantic, and Indian Ocean?


Which of the Great Lakes is entirely within US territory?

What is Lake Michigan?