Straight out of Bollywood looking
Who is Dillon Samreen
Ravi does three things when Mrs. Beam asks the class, "Who would like to come up and show us how to solve the first problem?
What is, pushes up glasses, takes a deep breath and raises his hand.
Why Wednesday is chili day at Albert Einstein
What is Hamburgers get recycled
Special breakfast Joe's mom makes
What is Huevos Rancheros
Name of Joe's Dog
Who is Mimi
Fourth Grade teacher at Vidya Mandir
Who is Mrs. Arun
APD stands for
What is Auditory Processing Disorder
The gift that Ravi brings Mrs. Beam
What are naan Khatais
Joe understands what quote from Mr Barnes, after receiving a letter from his dad?
What is "Writing can change the world."
Type of car Dillon's mom drives
What is a Mercedes
The meaning of the word queue on page 18
What is a line
Dillon's winks tell people
What is, that he's up to no good
Person with the "Black Tongue"
Who is Amma
Where Perippa worked?
What is the Tea Plantation
Eye doctor for Ravi
Who is Dr. Batra
Wears a different bowtie every day of the year
Who is Mr. Barnes
Descendants of New Jersey Native American people hid or assimilated. In this sentence, Assimilated means
What is, fit in
Coach Victorine reminds Joe of what animal?
What is a penguin
What are giant potatoes referring to in the drawing Dillon drew?
What are shoes
Spice Mrs. Beam couldn't identify in cookies
What s cumin
Enjoys others seeing his underwear
Who is Dillon Samreen
A nickname for Mrs. Frost
Who is Moptop
The rodent that Joe pictures when he finally confronts Dillon in the cafeteria
What is a chipmunk
Amma rubs what type of oil on Ravi's shoulder?
What is Red ayurvedic oil
Girl that barfed in class
Who is Emily