a resource teacher assess a new student using a book called --- --- ---
Fun with Phonics
a character shocked to see that there are ---- definitions for the word assimilate
a character learn that ESL stands for --- --- --- --- ----
English as a second language
a mother not like her son to eat ----, but he doesn't want to be rude so he takes an M & M
a resource teacher say, "You shouldn't ----- things about a person before you know who they really are"
a character have ---- crisp with ice cream while waiting for the pork roast and scalloped potatoes to be ready
a mother use red chiles and salt to take away the kan drishti, the curse of the --- ----
evil eye
a ---- always criticizing the mom's cooking
a mother make --- --- for a fifth grade teacher; the cookies will win her over
naan khatais
a father say to listen to Mom; he says, "Remember she has the --- ---"
black tongue
a black tongue mean a person has --- ---
magical powers
IWB does a mom have a ---- on her tongue; it means she has magical powers?
IWB does a character look at the American flag and think of his own with its --- --- --- at the center?
blue spinning wheel
IWB does a flag have a wheel with --- ---- spokes representing ---?
twenty-four, virtues
IWB does a boy dread having a talk with his father; Dad'll just tell him to "--- ---"
man up
IWB does a boy receive a drawing of himself with a T-shirt that says `````; there's a woman with a shirt that says ```````?
IWB did a boy's former gym teacher line the kids up to inspect for ``` ``` ````?
pure white sneakers
IWB does a boy feel that playing American baseball should be similar to `````?
IWB is a new boy surprised that the ```` will be playing along with the boys in P.E. class?
IWB does the gym teacher remind a character of a ```, with a long nose, like a beak, and when walks, he waddles?
IWB does a teacher yell out, "``` ``` ``` `` ```! No exceptions!"
No Rec Specs, no ball
IWB does a student learn that Rec Specs are prescription goggles specially made for `````
IWB does a boy hold the bat funny, down low like a ``` ```?
golf club
IWB does a P.E. teacher run to a batter yelling, "````````````````"
Get the first-aid kit!
IWB does a character imagine a bully to be a ``````, so he starts to laugh at him?