
Besides Ravi, how many other Indians are in his class?

1 (Dillon Samreen)


Joe explains in Chapter 10 that he has APD. What does APD stand for?

Auditory Processing Disorder


How did Joe try to help Ravi when Dillon threw a fastball at Ravi’s head?

He yells, “Duck!”


Who helps Ravi come up with an idea for his project?



This question has 2 parts.

What does Joe bring in for his project?

What does Ravi bring in for his project?

Joe: a glass bowl with a blue M&M in it

Ravi: a jar full of leeches


Where does this book take place the majority of the time?

Albert Einstein Elementary School


Ravi volunteers to solve the math problem on the board because __________.

...he wants to prove that he is actually really smart.


On page 101, Joe writes, “I look at Ravi in his weird flat clothes, holding his flowery little box of cookies, and wonder if he realizes he’s a zebra.” What does Joe mean by this?

Ravi looks like a zebra because he stands out in their class.


How does Joe’s dad apologize to him?

He writes him an apology letter for not being a good dad to him.


After Dillon steals part of Joe's project, how does Ravi “save” Joe’s project?

He takes the double blue M&M he got from Miss Frost’s room and puts it in Joe’s bowl.


What does ABCD stand for?

American Born Confused Desi


On his way to the board, what happens to Ravi?

Ravi is so excited that he bumps his knee on his desk and his supplies go everywhere.


Is Joe looking forward to his dad coming home? Why or why not?

No, because he knows that there will be a family meeting and his dad will just tell him to “man up” like he always does.


This question has 2 parts.

Why does Joe stay home from school on Thursday?

Why does Ravi stay home from school on Thursday?

Joe: His parents want to have a family meeting with him.

Ravi: He doesn’t want to go to Albert Einstein anymore.


On Friday, what does Ravi finally realize about Joe when he is in the parking lot about to go into the school?

He sees Joe’s mom and realizes she is the lunch monitor and that the cartoon drawing in his backpack was probably about Joe.


Why does Joe get bullied on the first day of school?

His mom is a lunch monitor and blows him a kiss.


In Chapter 13, the class is reading in their social studies books, and Ravi volunteers to give a definition of a word that nobody knows. Why was the definition Ravi gave incorrect?

The definition he gave was for the context of science, not social studies.


Ravi realizes (perhaps for the first time) that Dillon is a bully when ___________.

He sits with Dillon at lunch, and Dillon makes him eat beef and calls him Curryhead.


For the reflection project in Mrs. Beam’s class, what are the students required to do?

Bring in an object that represents who they are along with a one-sentence explanation of why they chose that object.


Name 2 themes of Save Me A Seat.

Friendship, anti-bullying, acceptance of others


Ravi thinks that Dillon wants to be his friend because Dillon ___________.

...smiles and winks at Ravi.


What phrase does Miss Frost say that sticks with Ravi?

"Assumptions are often wrong."

On page 133, why does Ravi say, “It seems I am getting a taste of my own medicine”?

Ravi realizes he was the “Dillon Samreen” at Vidya Mandir, and he is just now seeing how it feels to be the one who is bullied.


During Joe’s family meeting, why does Joe get so upset? Name at least 2 reasons.

He explodes because everything is going wrong for him–his dad is never home, he gets bullied at school, his only friend is a dog, etc.


What happens to Dillon at the end of the book?

Dillon goes back to the classroom to steal Ravi's leeches, he puts them down his pants, and has to go home.