Avoiding a lawsuit
Before giving care
Checking an injured or ill person
Cardiac Emergencies

As long as you act in what is considered a reasonable manner to help that person, this law can shield you from liability

What is the Good Samaritan Law


Emergency Medical Services 

What is EMS?


Signs and Symptoms



What is SAM


Blood flow to the part of the heart muscle is blocked

What is a heart attack?


Foods, toys, and/or  household objects

What is chocking hazards


Permission from the injured or ill person, the permission from the injured or ill person's parent(s) to provide care to them or their child

What is consent


Personal Protection Equipment

What is PPE


If the person does not respond in any way and is not breathing or is only gasping

What is an unresponsive person

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation 

What is CPR


5 back blows and 5 abdominal thrusts

What is caring for a person choking


Unusual Sights, odors, sounds, and/or behaviors 

What is Signs of an emergency?


If the person responds (moving, opening his/her eyes, or moaning) and is breathing normally

What is a responsive person


Pain or discomfort is persistent, lasting longer than 3-5 minutes, or going away and then coming back

What is signs/symptoms of a heart attack?


position yourself to the side and slightly behind the person. For a child, you may need to kneel. Place one arm diagonally across the person’s chest (to provide support) and bend the person forward at the waist so that the person’s upper body is as close to parallel to the ground as possible. Firmly strike the person between the shoulder blades with the heel of your other hand. Each back blow should be separate from the others

What is how to give back blows?


Check the scene and the person

Call 911 or the designated emergency number

Care for the person

What is Emergency Action Steps?


Examining a persons' head and neck, shoulders, chest and abdomen, hips, legs and feat, and finally arms and hands

What is a head to toe check?


The hear stops beating or beats too ineffectively to circulate blood to the brain or other vital organs

What is Cardiac Arrest?


stand behind the person, with one foot in front of the other for balance and stability. If possible, place your front foot between the person’s feet. Wrap your arms around the person’s waist

What is how to give chest thrusts?


1) Decontaminate the exposed area

2) Report the exposure to the EMS personnel

3) If at a workplace- notify your supervisor and follow your companies' exposure control plan

What is Handling an Exposure Indecent 


Adult: Extend the person's arm that is closest to you above the person's head, roll the person toward yourself onto his/her side so that the person's head rests on their extended arm, bend both the person's knees to stabilize the body

Baby: You can place the baby on his/her side as you would and adult, or you can hold the baby face-down along your forearm, supporting the baby's head and neck and keeping the mouth and nose clear

What is a recovery position?

A person suddenly collapsing, unresponsive, not or barely breathing, no heart beat

What is Signs and symptoms of cardiac arrest?