This is the season where you see changes in the colour of leaves as plants and trees prepare for winter
Autumn or Fall
This carries an electrical current around a circuit?
Hello in French
These type of animals grow antlers on their heads. (pssst) They often use it for fighting and defending their families.
Deer, Moose, Elk, Reindeer, Antelope
Before people were using money, people were trading one of these.
Food, animals, rocks.
This large mountain spits out molten hot lava.
A cell is another name for this type of power source
Thank you in Spanish
This type of animal spends most of its time in rivers. They make homes out of holes in the ground and build dams out of logs floating in the river.
What is the name of the building we go to to save and keep our money?
When seasons change, these type of animals are seen flying across the world in search of warmer weather
The electric this is one of the few animals that produces electricity to help it hunt for prey.
Sour in Bahasa Malaysia or Bahasa Indonesia
This type of animals are found in the jungles of Indonesia and Malaysia. They are big, have four limbs, and are covered in red/orange fur.
Orang Utan
This type of mineral is used in our cooking. It was also used to trade because it was valuable all over the world.
When two tectonic plates collide with each other, this natural disaster can be felt through the ground and all the way up to high buildings.
In the year 1879, Thomas Edison, invented this. (psst, it is something we use to see in the dark)
Light bulb
Sweet in Italian
This animal can unhinge its jaw to swallow animals that are much larger than its mouth.
This type of metal was used as a form of money because of how shiny and attractive it looks.
This is a water wave approaching from the sea or oceans that measure up to 30 meters. About a 7 story building.
Benjamin Franklin flew a kite with a key attached to it. He soon discovered that this was a type of electricity
Spicy in Japanese.
This type of mammal has excellent vision at night. The are also known as felines.