Making plans with my friends is like trying to herd cats
Making plans with my friends is annoying/hard to manage
I'm going to destroy their notebook because they wrecked mine. An eye for an eye
I'm going to destroy their notebook because they wrecked mine. A punishment that is the same as the crime
Walks at a snail's pace
Walks slow
Hit the breaks on that
Stop that
Hey don't be a couch potato the whole weekend
Hey don't be lazy/watch TV the whole weekend
You have a good head on your shoulders
you are smart
She eats like a bird
She doesn't eat much
Stay in your lane
Stay where you belong
Separate the wheat from the chaff
Sperate the strong from the weak
These shoes will allow you to get a leg up on the competition
These shoes will allow you to get an advantage on the competition
Are we going to ignore the elephant in the room?
Are we going to ignore the obvious thing?
Pedal to the metal
Go fast
You reap what you sow
Get what you deserve (Negative)
I made it to my train by the skin of my teeth
I made it to my train by the smallest margin
We should get to the store by 9 am. The early bird gets the worm.
We have to get to the store at 9 am. its good to be first/early
Let's switch gears
Let's change the topic/strategy