Key Ideas
Author's Craft
Author's Structure
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

Florida is home to an amazing array of fish, wildlife, and the habitats in which they live and thrive.  These multitudes of species are dependent upon natural habitats such as tropical coral reefs, and the grasses of the Everglades. Which key idea is being developed with this excerpt?

  1. The beauty of Florida’s tropical reefs.

  2. Florida’s wildlife and their habitats should be protected.

  3. The expense of maintaining habitats for wildlife in Florida.

4.  Photographers love the wildlife and their habitats found in Florida.

  1. Florida’s wildlife and their habitats should be protected.


(1) Wind turbines do not use combustion to generate electricity. (2) They do not produce air emissions. (3) The only potentially toxic or hazardous materials are relatively small amounts of lubricating oils and hydraulic and insulating fluids. (4) Therefore, contamination of surface or ground water or soils is highly unlikely.

Which sentence contains a negative detail of wind turbines?

  1. Sentence 1

  2. Sentence 2

C.  Sentence 3

D.  Sentence 4

C.  Sentence 3: The only potentially toxic or hazardous materials are relatively small amounts of lubricating oils and hydraulic and insulating fluids.  


Seven-Eleven has a college tuition program.  People who have worked there for four years or longer are eligible for tuition assistance.  

What does “eligible” mean?

A.  Qualified

B.  Required

C.  Interested

D.  Profitable 

A.  Qualified: People who have worked there for four years or longer are eligible (qualified) for tuition assistance.  


Squeeze the avocado. If an avocado looks ripe, you should still feel it to test its ripeness. Hold it in the palm of your hand, and squeeze gently. A ripe avocado should yield to firm, gentle pressure, but shouldn't feel overly soft or mushy.

The purpose of this excerpt is to - 

  1. teach someone how to pick out an avocado.

  2. teach someone how to peel an avocado.

  3. show someone where to find an avocado.

D.  Encourage someone to eat avocados.  

A.  teach someone how to pick out an avocado.


Science and engineering are providing us with increasingly clear pictures of how to solve many of our challenges, but policymakers are increasingly unwilling to pursue the remedies that scientific evidence suggests. Instead, they take one of two routes: deny the science, or pretend the problems don’t exist. 

Integrate the information in this excerpt.  What is the main issue?

  1. Scientific discoveries are hard to explain.  

  2. Solutions are being found, but politicians aren’t listening.  

  3. The fields of science and engineering are respected by many.

D.  Many politicians began their careers in science and engineering.

B.  Solutions are being found, but politicians aren’t listening.  


Athletes of the past and present have played a huge role in giving young people a voice and inspiring them to take action. Rock the Vote is teaming up with those in the sports world to empower and inspire a new generation.

What is the central idea of this excerpt?

  1. The importance of playing a sport.  

  2. Rock the Vote inspires young people to vote for athletes who want to run for office.

  3. Athletes can help inspire young people to vote.

4.  The connection between rock music and playing sports.

C. Athletes can help inspire young people to vote.


(1) Vipera wagneri, or the ocellated mountain viper, is a venomous viper found in northwest Iran and eastern Turkey. (2) This snake lives at altitudes of over 1,500 meters (5,000 ft).  (3) In 2008, the status of the Wagner’s viper was changed to critically endangered. (4) It was feared that the planned construction of a dam would devastate the viper’s population. 

Which sentence contains details about scientific names?

  1. Sentence 1

B.  Sentence 2

C.  Sentence 3

D.  Sentence 4

A.  Sentence 1: Vipera wagneri, or the ocellated mountain viper, is a venomous viper found in northwest Iran and eastern Turkey.


Briefly describe your science fair theme, and show how  your preliminary studies resulted in the direction of your finished project.  

What does “preliminary” mean?

A.  Central

B.  Outcome

C.  Obsolete

D.  Initial  

 D.  Initial:  Briefly describe your science fair theme, and show how  your preliminary (initial) studies resulted in the direction of your finished project.  


There are two after school clubs on Thursday afternoons.  The chess club requires attention to detail, discipline, and logic.  The book club, however, requires a commitment to read at least three books, and the ability to comprehend them.  Both clubs are very popular.

What is the structure of this excerpt?  

  1. Chronological Order

  2. Problem and Solution

  3. Compare and Contrast

D.  Cause and Effect 

C.  Compare and Contrast


Minimum wages needs to be increased. “In an expensive state like California, a worker needs about $20 an hour to afford the basics," said Jason Bennet. "Whereas $15 is what a worker needs in a less expensive state such as Alabama, Florida or Texas."

Integrate the information in this excerpt.  What is the main issue?

  1. Minimum wages need to be increased in all states.

  2. Californians have money, so they don’t need an increase. 

  3. Since it is expensive to live in California, they need a larger increase in minimum wage.

  4. Alabama, Florida, and Texas all need increases in minimum wages

       because it is cheaper to live in those states.

C. Since it is expensive to live in California, they need a larger increase in minimum wage.


Hospital volunteers work without pay in health care settings, under the supervision of nurses.  Their work is difficult, but they persevere.  Hospitals are grateful for their volunteers. Most have openings for this position.

Which is an objective summary of the excerpt?

  1. Hospital volunteers work harder than other volunteers. 

  2. Volunteers are needed at every hospital.  

  3. Hospital volunteers work just as hard as nurses.

4.  Hospital volunteers work hard and are greatly appreciated.

   D.  Hospital volunteers work hard and are greatly appreciated.


(1) Social media is a part of everyday life for most teenagers.  (2) It is a great place for them to connect with friends.  (3) It also allows them to make important announcements.  (4) Some teenagers, however, spend too much time online.  (5) Time limitations need to be set for online activities.   

During which sentence does the focus of the excerpt begin to change?  

  1. Sentence 2

  2. Sentence 3

  3. Sentence 4

D.  Sentence 5

  C.  Sentence 4: Some teenagers, however, spend too much time online.


Bob went home disappointed. The dance was an exercise in futility.  He should have just stayed home.  At least if he stayed home, he could have gotten a few hours of sleep.  

What is emphasized with the metaphor in this excerpt?  

A.  Bob’s disappointment

B.  The pointlessness of the dance

C.  Bob’s lack of sleep

D.  The reason Bob was tired

 B.  The pointlessness of the dance

Metaphor: The dance was an exercise in futility.


Timothy was very upset with his math grade.  His parents weren’t delighted either.  He decided his best course of action would be to pay attention in class, complete all assignments, and ask questions when he was confused.  He was very happy with the results.  He received an A on his next math test!

Which is the BEST way to define this text structure?  

  1. Definition

  2. Problem and Solution

  3. Compare and Contrast

D.  Order of importance

B. Problem and Solution


(1) Successful students pay attention in class.  (2) They are organized, and always know what to study.  (3) When in doubt, they ask questions for clarification.  (4) They ride home from school on the bus, which also helps them gain success.  (5) By the time they go to bed, all of their homework is complete.

Which sentence has a claim that is NOT supported by reasons and evidence?

(4) They ride home from school on the bus, which also helps them gain success.  


Candy wrappers, cups, and other items on the ground, entangled in tree branches, or floating in water can wash away the enjoyment of spending time with your friends and family.  Littering should have serious financial consequences.  

What does this excerpt infer?

  1. Families should spend time together.  

  2. Litter on the ground is worse than litter in the water.  

  3. Fines should be given to those who litter.  

4.  Litter in the water is dangerous to marine life.    

C. Fines should be given to those who litter.  


(1) The legislative branch is made up of the two houses of Congress—the Senate and the House of Representatives. (2) The most important duty of the legislative branch is to make laws. (3) Younger people break more laws than older people.  (4) Laws are written, discussed and voted on in Congress. (5)There are 100 senators in the Senate, two from each state.  (6) There are 435 representatives in the House of Representatives.

Which sentence from the excerpt is unnecessary, and should be omitted?  

Sentence 3: (3) Younger people break more laws than older people.



The garden was a wonderland.  The bees played hide and seek as they buzzed in and out of the flowers.  The children stayed outside for hours, enjoying everything the garden had to offer.

What is emphasized with the personification in this excerpt?

A. The excitement of the garden

B. The movement of the bees

C. The sound of the bees

D. The length of time the children played outside

 B. The movement of the bees – Personification:
The bees played hide and seek as they buzzed in and out of the flowers.


(1) Megan was excited about the interview. (2) She answered all of the executive’s questions.  
(3) “It was nice meeting you,” Megan said with a smile.
(4) “You too.  (5) I’m sorry to say that the position is filled.”

(6) Well, this was a total waste of make-up, Megan thought to herself.  

Which sentence reveals sarcasm?

(6) Well, this was a total waste of make-up, Megan thought to herself.  


(1) Giving a good speech is not as difficult as it may seem.  (2) Take deep breathes in order to stay calm.  (3) Enunciate your words, and speak loud and clear.  (4) Maintain eye contact.  (5) Think about your plans for the future.  (6) End the speech with a smile so that your audience knows you care about the subject matter.

Which sentence has a claim that is NOT supported by reasons and evidence?

(5) Think about your plans for the future.


 “For three years, George played truant, failed exams, and shut himself away from people to create a new personality in his electronic universe.”  

Which idea is being introduced with this anecdote?  

  1. Better personalities can be developed by playing video games.

  2. Video games are great way to relieve stress.  

  3. Playing video games should be illegal.  

4.  Video games have a negative influence both academically and socially.   


D.  Video games have a negative influence both academically and socially.    


(1) Getting the best deal on a driving school requires the same skills as when searching for a deal on any item you purchase. (2) A driving school is a good idea for an individual with a need for skills training necessary to pass a state driving test. (3) Driving schools focus on both the written and road exam components of a state driving test. (4) Finding a good school that accomplishes this at a good price is your job as a consumer.

Which sentence explains the reason why people use driving schools?

 (2) A driving school is a good idea for an individual with a need for skills training necessary to pass a state driving test.


 The doctor called with the results, which indicated that the lump was benign.   What does “benign” mean?

A.  Swollen
B.  Cancerous
C.  Non-Cancerous
D.  Large

 C.  Non-Cancerous


The teacher was circling the room, handing back the expository essays.

I hope I get an A, thought Jenna.

I better not fail, said Bob to himself.

Will this class ever end? Brenda thought to herself.

Which is the point of view of this excerpt?

  1. 1st person

  2. 3rd person objective

  3. 3rd person limited

4. 3rd person omniscient 

  1. 3rd person omniscient 

This point of view allows the reader to hear the thoughts and feelings of several characters.


If you can look into the seeds of time, and say which grain will grow and which will not, speak then unto me.  
William Shakespeare

(1) William Shakespeare was born on April 26, 1564. (2) Although his plays were full of drama, he was also concerned with scenery.  (3) He incorporated flowers, plants, and trees into his works. (4) He wrote 38 plays and 154 sonnets. (5) He enjoyed writing, but was ever mindful of the success of any given project.

Which sentence from the excerpt verifies the ideas behind the quote from William Shakespeare?  

If you can look into the seeds of time, and say which grain will grow and which will not, speak then unto me.  
William Shakespeare

(5) He enjoyed writing, but was ever mindful of the success of any given project.

This sentence best verifies the idea that he would prefer to know in advance which ideas would be the most fruitful.