4th Grade Vocab
5th Grade Vocab
6th Grade Vocab
7th Grade Vocab
8th Grade Vocab
If you were to categorize 1,000 pennies how could you categorize them?
By date/ By how shiny they are/ by the mint they were produced in.
If you were asked to evaluate a group of students work what would you be doing?
Grading them, comparing them
If someone has a race BIAS .... what does this mean?
Someone treats one particular race of people different from another.
If I asked you to write CONCISE answers... what do I mean?
Write short answers that are to the point.
"A duck is to water as a cave is to a bear. " What is this called?
An Analogy
In what form of art would you most likely find a verse in?
Poem or Song
What does the word Consult mean?
To talk to or discuss with someone about something often in a professional setting.
If I am to teach you something EXPLICITLY - What is another word for Explicitly.
Thoroughly, Carefully, Clearly
If I asked Juan to CLARIFY an answer he had written on a test what would I be asking him to do?
To make his answer clearer.... to explain his thinking.
If I asked Christopher to perform a MONOLOGUE for the class. What would I be asking him to do.
He would be performing a speech or act on his own. Acting without partners.
The boys skin was like milk and his hair was like silk. What kind of comparison is this?
If you were asked to paraphrase a paragraph what would you be doing?
You would be summarizing something in fewer words.
What is IMPLIED by this sentence. "Jack came home from school and sighed, he had a headache and was ready to go hide under the covers for the rest of his life."
Jack had a bad day at school.
If something is NOT RELEVANT to the topic in class what does that mean?
It does not have to do with the topic, it is unnecessary.
If I were to write a MEMOIR... what would I be writing?
A story that is based on my own memory/ like a biography.
On a hot summer day a man in the large truck with music playing was surrounded by children with crinkled money who were excited to see him. What can you INFER / What INFERENCE can you make about who this man is?
An Ice Cream Man!
If you were reading an EXPOSITORY article in a newspaper what would the article be doing?
It would be EXPOSING the truth about something.
What is a Synonym
A word that means the same thing.
If you are a UNIQUE person. What does the word UNIQUE mean?
Different/ Special
What is a SATIRE?
A performance making fun of something. THE ONION Newspaper is Satire because they write fake stories making fun of politics and current events.
What is an Antonym for the word Angry
Happy/ Excited
If I showed up to work early and Mr.Chadda said, "The early bird is catching the worm this morning". What kind of figurative language would Mr.Chadda be using.
An Idiom!
If I am being vague ... what is a synonym for vague?
If I told you to MANIPULATE a set of blocks. What would I be asking you to do?
Move the blocks around/ change them or their positions
If I asked you to write a THESIS statement where in your paper would this be found?
The beginning of the paper.