ELA - Vocabulary
History - Ancient China
History - Ancient India
ELA - Novels

Minigame #8 Best the Cyclops

The teacher will draw a cyclops on the board with 3 lives, each cabin is given 2 lives (Walsh cabin has 3). Cabins will answer vocabulary questions at random until the cyclops is beaten or no cabins are left standing. All cabins standing at the end of this minigame are awarded the point value of this card.


The Shang Dynasty rose to power in this fertile valley.

What is the Huang Valley?


Name two major religions that developed in Ancient India.

What is Hinduism and Buddhism? (answers may vary)


This is the name of Percy Jackson's weapon in The Lightning Thief.

What is Riptide?


Minigame #5 - Around the World

Teacher gives rapid fire questions around the room until one cabin is left standing (10 seconds to answer after hearing the question, must be a new player answering whenever the teacher returns to your cabin)


Violation of misuse of what is regarded as sacred; to commit a crime against a religious code or law. This is the definition of this word.

What is sacrilege?


This is the name of one of the Han Dynasty's greatest rulers.

Who is (emperor) Wudi?


This is the name of the emperor in Ancient India who lived in so much fear of his enemies that he had a massive spy network.

Who is Chandragupta?


Minigame #3 - Finish the Sentence

Name all of the players in The Westing Game in any order (first name, last name if known)


This is the name of the sport that Mr. Walsh hosts for FLEX on Wednesdays.

What is Ultimate Frisbee?


Minigame #2 - Western Shootout

Unscramble the following word, then define:

e w i n s


The earliest form of writing in China was discovered on these historical artifacts

What are oracle bones?

Minigame #7 - Silence

Cabins must use a whiteboard to communicate their answer, no sound can be made otherwise the cabin making noise will be disqualified from this minigame


In the story Refugee, the boy Mahmoud was originally from this country.

What is Syria?


The following sentence is an example of this grammatical structure:

"Before summer vacation begins, we plan our activities, and update the calendar."

What is a compound-complex sentence?


This was Jake Wexler's occupation in our book The Westing Game.

What is podiatrist?


This was the year in which the Warring States period approximately came to an end.

What is 221 BCE?


This is the definition of Metallurgy.

What is a field of science that explains how to manipulate minerals from the Earth and turn them into useful objects?


Minigame #4 - Matching

Eight cards are shown on the board with matching concepts (e.g.: vocabulary word on one card, definition on another) The first cabin to buzz will answer by matching the cards, every time there is a mistake the turn is passed to another cabin at random


Minigame #1 - Jump the Line

Cabins choose one representative to stand on the blue line, the teacher will call out a concept or idea shown on the board and demi-gods must jump to the left or right of the line. Demi-gods that jump to the incorrect side will be eliminated.


Replace the underlined phrase in the following sentence with a vocabulary word we have learned. 

"The boys loved their cat but they found out he had a dark secret, he was a habitual thief.

What is kleptomaniac?


Minigame #6 - Simon Says and Asks

The whole class stands up and we play Simon Says with history questions littered in at later points in the game. Team with the most players standing after 4-5 minutes wins the points.


Ashoka had many achievements throughout his time as ruler of the Mauryan Empire. This is the name of one of his greatest accomplishments that connected much of the empire

What is The Royal Road?


Chapter 13 in the book The Lightning Thief is titled "I Plunge to my Death." Briefly describe why this chapter is given this title.

Answers may vary.


The following sentence contains this figurative language, then explain the meaning:

"Cooking has never been Rachel’s cup of tea."

What is idiom, and it means that it is not something that somebody is confident or comfortable doing?