When is it due?
Structured Casenotes
Effective Communication
Process to Adoption
Where am I?

The agency casenote. 

What is 48 hours of visit?

Includes: phone conversations, email contact, stability meetings, team meetings and missed visits.


When is it due?

What is 48 hours of visit?

Includes home visits and court hearings. 


Name one of the 4 types of communication.

What is:

1. Passive

2. Aggressive

3. Passive-aggressive

4. Assertive


The difference between the pre-placement visit and the placement visit. 

What is the visit that occurs prior to a child moving into a pre-adoptive home; this can occur more than once. Visits allow the child and pre-adoptive family to build a connection. 


The incident reporting option. 

What is TIC's main page upon logging in?


The _________ should start and be signed within 3 business days of the first time you make contact with the RP upon receiving a new placement. 

RPSW has a month to complete but can submit initial plan. Plan must be updated every 90 days; CUA should be invited to join visit in regards to plan every 3 months. 

What is the Resource Parent Support Plan (RPSP)?


True or False

Structured casenote are required to include (but not limited to) the following:

1. RPSW assisted RP with completing the Casey Life Skills Assessment (if necessary for Youth 14 and over).

2. RPSW helped RP to develop opportunities for the Youth to develop life skills. 

What is true?

Possible barriers to effective communication.

What is the use of jargon, emotional barriers, language differences, expectations and prejudices, differences in perception and lack of attention?


The design of the network is to support the work of county agencies in expediting permanency services; Tabor's contact who receives the referrals. 

What is Statewide Adoption and Permanency Network (SWAN)?

Hayward Laboo (Permanency Program Manager; our first line of contact). 


The RPSW folder.

What is the TCS shared drive under the Philadelphia selection? 


This should be completed every 90 days, should correspond with the initial RPSP and should be completed with the annual recertification packet. 

What is the home safety inspection? 

The RPSW was unable to discuss certain topics during visit with RP and Youth, RPSW should...
What is follow up another time in the month via phone call, text or in-person contact?

The 3 skills needed for effective communication are:

1. Active listening

2. Clarification

3. Reflection

Apply 2 of 3 skills in a real life example and describe to the team.

What is a variety of answers?

Be sure to model 2 of 3 of the following in your response:

1. Active listening = listening with all of one's senses

2. Clarification = reducing misunderstanding

3. Reflection = Focus on the content of what the speaker is saying to you. 


The _________ is a comprehensive summary of the child's life history, current functioning and special needs. 

This document is written to convey the essence of the child to the reader by emphasizing the child's strengths. 

What is the child profile? 

The _____ is located in TDS on screen 3 under annual review.

What is the annual recertification date?


The RP recertification is due ________. 

Name three documents that are included in the recertification. 

What is annually?

What is the recertification packet, clearance (all adults in the home), driver's license, home owners/ renters insurances, vehicle registration, car insurance, pet vaccination and medical for adults in the home.


DHS wants RPSW's to demonstrate their efforts with RP's and Youth via documentation by requiring...

What is RPSW's to document interventions and parenting tactics provided to RP's to assist with Youth's behaviors and other incidents that arise?


Hand movements, blank face, smiling, tilting the head and rolling eyes are examples of _____ _____ that can lead to a misunderstanding during the communication process. 

What is body language? 

The family profile is created for this reason and is created from a series of meetings between the Child's Team of professionals (which could include the RPSW and SWAN Consultant). 

What is to determine the individual or couple's ability to provide safety, nurturing and commitment to a child? 

Describe how to find the updated on-call schedule.

What is TCS Shared (O:), Philadelphia, TCS On-Call and then select current months that are relevant to your search?


The following are due every 30 days (monthly).

What is the medication log, expenditure report, daily behavior connection tools, appendix N request (2x's a month) and CUA contact communication?


The options to meeting DHS quality standards with structured casenote changes are...

What is;

1. Create sentences (paragraph) that includes verbiage of each quality factor.

2. Create follow-up questions for each quality factor to ensure follow up

3. RPSW can note items that were not discussed in note and be sure to include items in the next visit within the same month. 


True or False:

The following are appropriate phrases to use to relate to what is being communicated to you:

"I know exactly how you feel"

"It's not that bad"

"You'll feel better tomorrow"

What is false?

What are examples of appropriate phrases to use? 


Describe the RPSW role in the process to adoption.

What is to provide documentation to support the adoption process and be an extra support system to the Youth and RP; as well as complete the finalization portion of the adoption process?


True or False?

The client assignment report can be located by doing the following steps?

Login to TIC, select reports, caseworker information, client assignment report, select your name and the items out of compliance will be listed in red. 

What is true?