Decision that overturned segregation of schools
What is Brown v. Board of Education
Sivani and Harish were co directors of this board position last year
What are Co-directors of programs?
The year in which the constitution was ratified
100 bonus points for the exact date
What is 1788?
June 21
The best going out spot when you first get to NYC?
What is Phebes?
What is the skin?
Decision that legalized gay marriage
Last years presidents
Who are Vir and Sumin?
The document that the Constitution replaced
Articles of Confederation
Price of the subway
What is $2.90
The number of protons in iron
What is 26?
Decision that allows for unlimited spending on political speech, opening the door for the creation of Super PACs
Citizens United vs. FEC
Name all the eboard members and their position
Co-Presidents-- Sivani and Harish
Vice President-- Michelle
Outreach-- Max
Mentorship-- Justin & Ishaan
Events-- Kevin
Treasurer-- Bill
CLP-- Fiona & Anaya
The five freedoms of the first amendment
What are Speech, Assembly, Press, Protest, and Religion?
The two rivers on either side of Manhattan
What are the Hudson and East river?
Problem that Alexander the Great solved with a simple solution
What is the Gordian knot?
Decision that allowed for birthright citizenship, by saying the 14th amendment applied to (almost) everyone born on US soil
US vs. Wong Kim Ark
Name & Law Firm of the M&A Partner fireside chat from last semester
Who is Christopher Lang from Gibson Dunn
The only constitutional amendment to be repealed
What is the 18th amendment? (prohibition)
The full form of DUMBO
Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass
Maximum number of bitcoin that can be mined
what is 21 million?
decision that allowed for eugenics by affirming the legality of the sterilization of inmates
Buck v. Bell
Letter which appears in the first and last names of the eboard the third most often (200 bonus points for how many times)
n, 12 times
The amount of word in the constitution including the preamble but not the amendments
What is 4,543
Names of 5 Brooklyn Neighborhoods
Principle that states we cannot know the exact speed and position of a particle with perfect accuracy
Heisenberg's Principle of Uncertainty