name 5...
phrasal verbs
UK vs US English
missing collocation

  sports that are played with a ball

Baseball Basketball Bowling Cricket Field Hockey Football Golf Handball Lacrosse Billiards Rugby Soccer Squash Tennis Volleyball Water Polo

Ask 3 questions about sport.


have a good relationship with someone

get on (well)

Make up a TRUE sentence about yourself using "get on".


What's the English for "картофель фри" ( UK & US)

UK  'chips'

US  'French fries'

Where can you buy the tastiest French fries in your city?


…invented World Wide Web

Tim Berners Lee

What are 5 greatest human inventions?


Which word collocates with…

fast, healthy, Italian


fast, healthy, Italian  FOOD

Is Italian food healthier than Chinese one? Does your national cuisine differ a lot from Italian one?



Basic senses are hearing, touch, sight, taste, and smell

They say each person has the main channel of perceiving information:visual, auditory, kinesthetic. Which group do you belong to?


to appear/arrive

show up\turn up

Make a guess about one of your interlocutors using  "show up\turn up".


What's the English for " кран(водопроводный) " (UK/US)

UK 'tap'

US  'faucet'

If you saw a water tap leak in your flat, would you call a plumber immediately or try fixing it yourself?


...painted the Mona Lisa

Leonardo Da Vinci

What are some theories about the mysterious smile of The Mona Lisa?


Which word collocates with…

guest, class, hotel

guest, class, hotel ROOM

Choose one collocation and use it to make up a question.


natural disasters

Earthquakes, Volcanic eruptions, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Floods, Blizzards, Hailstorms, Wildfires, Tsunamis, Extreme heat (heatwave)

Give definitions to any 3 natural disasters. Your interlocutor should guess the words defined.


to escape punishment

get off/ get away with

Can you name a film in which the criminal gets away with a murder or robbery?


What's the English for "баклажан" ( UK & US)

UK 'aubergine'

US 'eggplant'

What dishes from aubergines can you cook?


…directed The Godfather

Francis Ford Coppola

Do you know other films by Francis Ford Coppola?


Which word collocates with…

detached, terrace, country

detached, terrace, country HOUSE

Would you prefer to live in a country house or in a block of flats?


 rooms in a house

 bedroom, bathroom, living room, kitchen, nursery, laundry room, storage room, basement, attic

You have 40 seconds to tell about your dream flat\house.


to visit, usually on the way somewhere

drop in

When was the last time you invited your friends to drop in?


What's the English for "капот" ( UK & US) 


UK  'bonnet'

US   'hood'

 Ask your interlocutor a question using the word "bonnet".


…discovered  penicillin


Alexander Fleming

In what ways has penicillin changed the way we approach and treat infections and diseases?


Which word collocates with…

interview, application, description

interview, application, description JOB

Give your job description (3-5 sentences).


  types of trees commonly found in forests

лиственница- larch |lɑːrtʃ, сосна-pine, берёза — birch |bɜːrtʃ|, ель — spruce |spruːs|\fir tree, кедр — cedar|ˈsiːdər|,осина — aspen|ˈæsp(ə)n|,oak |əʊk| -дуб, elm –вяз,poplar |ˈpɑːplər| -тополь,willow           |ˈwɪləʊ|-ива

Which trees would you like to see near your house?


to suggest or think of an idea or plan

come up with

Have you ever struggled to come up with a good excuse for being late?


What's the English for "самая нелюбимая вещь" ( UK & US)

 UK 'pet hate'

US  'pet peeve'

What was your pet peeve in childhood?


… invented basketball  

James Naismith (a Canadian physical education instructor, coach)

How does the popularity of basketball today differ from its popularity in the past?


Which word collocates with

day, business, round, boat

day, business, round, boat TRIP

What's been  your longest business trip so far?