Main Idea and Theme
Context Clues
Citing Evidence
Author's Purpose & Text Structure

What is the main idea of a story or passage? 

The main idea is what the story or passage is mostly about. 


The snow was a marvel to look at as it glistened in the bright sun. What does "marvel" mean? 

A. An incredible sight

B. Cold 

C. Surprising to see 

D. Boring view 

A. An incredible sight 


What does it mean to support your answer with evidence? 

Going back to the text and looking for words and ideas in the text that prove what you are saying. 

An author writes a story about a dog who has an adventure. What is the author's purpose? 

A. Inform 

B. Persuade 

C. Entertain

C. Entertain 


What is the best way to combine the sentences below? 

I went to the store to get some groceries. They were out of eggs. 

A. I went to the store to get some groceries, and they were out of eggs. 

B. I went to the store to get some groceries, but they were out of eggs.

C. Even though I went to the store to get some groceries, they were out of eggs. 

D. I went to the store to get some groceries, then they were out of eggs. 

B. I went to the store to get some groceries, but they were out of eggs. 


What is the theme of a story? 

The theme is lesson that the author wants you to learn from reading the story. 


Joe felt anguish when his dog died. He'd had his dog for 13 years. What does "anguish" mean?

A. Extreme sadness

B. Confusion 

C. Frustration 

D. Joy 

A. Extreme sadness 


What does it mean to paraphrase? 

Paraphrase means to put the author's words in your own words. 


What text structure is the following paragraph. 

In the bustling world of pollinators, butterflies and Bees both play crucial roles, albeit with their unique qualities. Butterflies, with their vibrant wings, are known for their delicate flight and elegant beauty, while Bees are recognized for their industrious nature in collecting nectar and pollen. While both creatures pollinate flowers, butterflies do so passively while flitting from bloom to bloom, whereas bees actively collect pollen using their specially adapted legs and body hairs.

A. Cause and Effect

B. Compare and Contrast

C. Description

D. Problem and Solution


Which sentence is punctuated correctly? 

A. I went to the store, and I bought eggs and milk.

B. I went to the store and I bought eggs and milk. 

C. I went to the store, and I bought eggs, and milk. 

D. I went to the store and I bought eggs and milk

A. I went to the store, and I bought eggs and milk. 


Read the passage. 

In his sophomore year of high school, Michael Jordan was cut from his basketball team because he was only 5 ft 11 in tall. Jordan didn't let this obstacle defeat him. In fact, he worked even harder. He trained everyday and even grew 4 inches taller! When Jordan finally made the team, he scored an average of 25 points per game and went on to become one the best basketball players in history. 

What answer best describes the theme of the passage? 

A. Michael Jordan is a very good basketball player and never gave up. 

B. When you are faced with a challenge, you can work hard to overcome it.

C. You should practice hard. 

D. You don't have to be that tall to play basketball. 

B. When you are faced with a challenge, you can work hard to overcome it. 


Joe pledged his allegiance to his new team, even though, he missed many members of his old team. What does "allegiance" mean? 

A. Effort 

B. Loyalty

C. Friendships 

D. Personality 

B. Loyalty 

Read the passage. 

Johnny never followed directions. This caused Johnny to get in trouble. When Johnny was in trouble, his mom would ground him and he wouldn't be able to use his xbox or his phone. Johnny hated being grounded. Johnny decided that he would try harder to follow directions and to listen to adults. 

What is the best piece of evidence to support why Johnny gets in trouble? 

A. Johnny never followed directions.

B. When Johnny was in trouble his mom would ground him. 

C. He wouldn't be able to use his xbox or phone. 

D. Johnny hated being grounded. 

A. Johnny never followed directions. 


An author wants to encourage people to avoid using fossil fuels to help polar bear habitats. What do you think will be the purpose of their article? 

A. Inform 

B. Persuade

C. Entertain 

B. Persuade 


What sentence is punctuated correctly? 

A. I went to five new cities this year: New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Orlando, and Raleigh.

B. My favorite colors are: pink and blue. 

C. My friend has: 1 sister, 1 brother, and a dog. 

D. I went to the the store and bought many groceries including: eggs, milk, bread, and fruit. 

A. I went to five new cities this year: New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Orlando, and Raleigh. 

Read the passage. 

Think back to the story of King Midas and the Golden Touch. In the story, King Midas was greedy and wanted to be the richest king there ever was and he wished that everything he touched to turn to gold. He was happy at first, but later realized that he didn't want the golden touch because it turned his daughter into gold. King Midas begged to get rid of the golden touch and decided that he didn't want to be the richest king. He shared his wealth with the people in his kingdom. 

Which answer best describes the theme of the passage? 

A. Don't ever try to ask for more money. 

B. Money can cause problems. 

C. Kings can be greedy. 

D. If you are greedy, you might not get what you want.

D. If you are greedy, you might not get what you want.


We had to make a chronological time line during Social Studies when we studied the events leading up to the Revolutionary War. What does "chronological" mean? 

A. In time order

B. Calculated 

C. Neat 

D. Dated 

A. In time order 


What is the best way to paraphrase the sentence below. 

Conner is a nice man who always helped his neighbors. He cut their grass, got their mail, and even would invite them over for dinner! 

A. Conner is a nice person. 

B. Conner cut his neighbors grass. 

C. Conner is a nice person who does many jobs to help out his neighbors.

D. Conner helps his neighbors. 

C. Conner is a nice person who does many jobs to help out his neighbors. 


We read a story about how Zeus gave Pandora a box and told her never to open it. What was the purpose of the story? 

A. Inform 

B. Persuade 

C. Entertain

C. Entertain 


What word in the sentence is a preposition? 

The dog walked through the yard and wagged his tail. 

A. Dog 

B. Through

C. Yard 

D. His 

B. Through 


What's the difference between main idea and theme? 

The main idea is what happens in the story or what the text is about and the theme is what you can learn from reading the text. 


To satisfy the nervous new parents, the doctor performed a painstaking exam of the baby, to ensure it was healthy. What does "painstaking" mean? 

A. Thorough 

B. Painful 

C. Careless 

D. Short 

A. Thorough 

What is the best piece of evidence to support this answer? 

Children should go to school year round. 

A. Research proves that children lose 30% of their learning during the summer months.

B. Children need to study more. 

C. Children should be in school to learn. 

D. If children, don't have summer break, they will likely not be able to sustain their energy throughout the school year. 

A. Research proves that children lose 30% of their learning during the summer months.


What is the text structure of the following paragraph?

Missing school can have a significant impact on students. When students are absent, they miss important learning opportunities, which can cause them to fall behind in their studies. This can lead to lower grades and feelings of frustration. Additionally, frequent absences can make it challenging for students to build strong relationships with their teachers and classmates.

A. Problem and Solution

B. Description

C. Chronological

D. Cause and Effect


What sentence has a verb or verb phrase that is not correct? 

A. I will have pecan pie today after school. 

B. Yesterday, I will join the choir club at school.

C. I haven't seen the new movie yet, but I have heard that it is amazing.

D. It was raining last night and I had a hard time falling asleep. 

B. Yesterday, I will join the choir club at school.