Scientific Processes
Structures of Organisms
Natural Resources
Rocks, Weathering and Erosion

This summer you decided to build a solar oven. Your first attempt was to make hotdogs. You placed the hotdog in the oven where _________ energy is converted to _________ energy and your hotdog is cooked.  

What is light energy to heat energy?


Observations made during an experiment that are recorded and studied are called...

What is data?


Beavers build dams in water as a way to provide shelter for their families. What unique feature does the beaver have that allows them to cut through strong trees that help build their dams?

What is large, strong front teeth?


Natural resources can be divided into two categories. One type of resource is abundant, the second has a limited like fossil fuels. What are the names of these resources?

What are renewable and non-renewable?


What is soil composed of?

What is weathered rock and broken down bits of dead plants and animals?


Sandy is building a small toy car. He wants to use a balloon to power the toy car. He fills a balloon with air and then attaches a straw to the balloon. He tapes the balloon-straw combination to the car and then releases the end of the balloon.
The toy moves forward as the air from the balloon comes out the back of the straw. What can Sandy do to make the toy car move faster?

What is put more air into the balloon?


Observations made with measuring tools or numbers are called...

What is quantitative?


How does tasting bitter help the dandelion plant survive?

What is keeps other animals from eating it?


What most frequently used natural resource is in limited supply?

What is petroleum?


Soil that can be found in the top-most layers of soil will MOST LIKELY have more of what common substance?

What is humus?


During a collision between a moving object and a stationary object not all energy is transferred from the moving object to the stationary object. Where else could the energy go?

Some of the energy is transformed into sound, heat or light energy. 


Observations in an experiment that involve our senses are called....

What is qualitative?

The whiskers on a cat’s face are thicker hairs that are more deeply imbedded into the cat’s skin. When something touches the whisker, the hair bends and sends a message to the skin around the base of the hair. The message is translated into a nerve impulse and is sent to what organ to be interpeted and acted upon?

What is the brain?

Using a plastic soda bottle after it is melted down to make jacket stuffing, is an example of ___.

What is recycling?


The movement of tectonic plates  is MOST LIKELY caused by what natural disaster?

What is earthquakes?


You construct a simple circuit with a battery, a wire and a light bulb. What energy transformations occur to light the bulb?

What is the battery has chemical energy and it is transformed to electrical energy. Electrical energy is transformed to light and heat energy. 


Part of the experiment that you can change or that are dependent on what you do are called...

What are variables?


Pit organs are holes near the snake’s nostrils that allow them to collect infrared light. Which sense do the pit organs most likely aid and enhance for the snake?

What is sight?


Fossil fuels form when organic matter is buried and then exposed to heat and pressure for millions of years. Fossil fuels are classified as nonrenewable resources because they –

What is take millions of years to form?


Erosion is the process that helps to breakdown the continents and the landforms around you. These two factors are often responsible for erosion.  

What are wind and water?


While investigating energy, Krista placed a soccer ball on a flat, paved surface and rolled a basketball toward it. The basketball collided with the soccer ball  and she recorded the results. What would best describe what she recorded?

Energy transferred from the basketball changed the soccer ball's motion.


An experiment is performed on plants to see how different liquids affect plant growth. Each plant in the experiment is given a different liquid; water, apple juice, or milk. Each plant has the same amount of soil, sunlight, and listens to the same music. In this investigation, the variable is...

What is the type of liquid?


The correct path of information that enables humans to see.

What is light waves hit an object → light rays are bounced off the object to the eye → the eye sees the object upside down → the brain translates the image.


Seismographs can detect earth tremors that are associated with earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis. How can seismographs be used to reduce the impact of these disasters on humans?

What is they warn humans of dangers before they happen and help protect human life and property. 


Sedimentary rocks found high in the Himalayan Mountains have been found with fossils of clams and other marine life. What does this indicate about the origin of the Himalayan Mountains?

What is the area was once underwater?