Who are the anchor providers in Delaware County?
MVP Recovery LLC
American Treatment Network
Who is the SCA's contracted Prevention Providers
Holcomb, Child and Family Focus, Child Guidance Resource Center
Name the name of someone’s pet on the team (D&A only)
Rockey, Daisy, Simba, Izzy, Max, etc.....
Name one County Council Member
Name a major training the SCA should and can host (multiple answers)
CRS, ASAM, Motivational Interviewing, Prevention 101, etc...
Who provides contracted methadone services for the SCA?
SOAR, MVP Recovery, Lansdowne Treatment Services
a culturally tailored, family-centered evidence based programs for youth (age 10-14) and their primary caregivers. The goal is to prevent substance use and behavior problems among youth by strengthening positive family interactions, preparing youth for their teen years, and enhancing primary caregivers' efforts to help youth reach positive goals.
Strong African American Families (SAAF)
Name the Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities, Adult & Family Services, and Children and Youth Services Administrators:
Janet Dreitlein; Jessica Fink; Vanessa Pierre
Who is the Chief of Social Services and Community Programs
Sandy Garrison
What D&A Utilizes Health Choices Reinvestment Dollars
Finally Home
This initiative is focused on having Targeted Case Management program for pregnant women and women with children diagnosed with substance use disorder. The Program will work to ensure that the Case Managers will be a direct contact the individuals served in this program and will act as a liaison with the collaborating entities to ensure that all barriers are removed and needs of the individual and children are met and provide education, resources, and linkage to treatment for substance use disorder.
EMPOWERED (Empowering-Mothers-for-Positive-Outcomes-With-Education-Recovery-& Early Development)
Name an intervention program facilitated by a Prevention Provider
Teen Intervene or AVOID
Name one D&A Planning Council Member
Alexandra Whittle ; ; Elizabeth D'Alessandro; Kenneth Collins; Kyle Palmer; Larry Arata; Mary M Coates; Matthew Piotrowski.; Sharon White; Thomas A. Nixon
Who distributes Narcan for the County?
The Delaware County Health Department (Wellness Line)
Who provides case management services for the SCA?
MVP Recovery and Merakey
Name the five areas of focus from the SCA’s Treatment Needs Assessment
educates and assists school personnel in identifying academic, social, attendance, substance use, mental health, and other concerns which pose a barrier to student success. The primary goal of this program is to help students overcome these barriers so they may achieve, remain in school and advance.
Student Assistant Program (SAP)
Who Would you contact for Children's Mental Health Need
Laura Kuebler
what office is responsible for planning, coordinating and administering programs and services for the County's population 60 and older.
The County Office of Services for the Aging (COSA)
What service is the SCA waiting to release an RFP for?
Recovery Community Center
What is the STAR Program and does STAR Stand for
Stabilization, Triage, Assessment and Referral.
The STAR Program will operate as a walk-in stabilization center for individuals with a primary diagnosis of SUD that may also be experiencing active mental health symptoms. The program will operate in a part of the building that will allow for private rooms for staff to meet with individuals and conduct assessments, develop a care plan, and offer support. There will also be a general waiting area for individuals to sit. The layout will include an area that has chairs that allow for the ability to lounge back for an individual to sleep if needed.
The program will follow a model that includes these 3 steps: 1) assessment, diagnosis, and development of care plan; 2) monitoring and treatment; and 3) referral and linkage to treatment and/or resources. Individuals can self-refer by walking in or calling for information.
SUD, Psych, and Medical screenings
a parent calls looking for resources for parental resilience; social connections; knowledge of parenting and child development; concrete support in times of need; social and emotional competence of children. what program are you referring them to?
Strengthening Families Program (6-11) or (10-14)
Name the name of someone’s child on our team (D&A only)
Taner, Marri, Brandon, Nara, etc....
this office offers assistance and other services to people and families in need, managing health and service program, which ultimately directly effects our budget and authorization usage.
The County Assistance Office.
What Are DDAP's five priority populations and the one population the SCA also considers priority