What was unique about Mr. Warwick?
He has only one eye
How long is Jonathon at Slabhenge for?
10 weeks
What is "Morning Muster"?
Roll Call
Very hungry
What was the hatch?
A creepy door that supposedly had darkness and death behind it
What are the boys usually fed for breakfast?
Why didn't the boys get electrocuted?
They were standing on blocks out of the water
Someone who steals stuff all the time
What is the name of the boy Jonathan talked to at night and was nice to him?
Who is the small boy who talks with a lisp?
Colin Kerrigan
What happened to all the adults?
They were electrocuted and died
Someone who commits crimes
What happened when Jonathan was talking at nighttime?
He had a bucket of water splashed on him
Who is school's resident bully?
Sebastian Mortimer
What happened if a boy fell off the block?
They had to kneel on the sinners sorrow
Was Jonathan given food before bed, given that he had not eaten all day?
What does Colin eat instead of oatmeal?
Biscuit and sausage he had hidden in his lap
What does the admiral call the boys?
a speech impairment that causes people to say the wrong sounds