Who is the only boy to object to the plan to stay on the island without adult supervision?
Jonathan says, “Out there we’re just... troublemakers. Punks. Here we could be ______"
Where did they put the 8 dead adults?
The freezer
When the boys hold a meeting at the big table, who sits in the Admiral’s chair and declares, “I’m in charge”?
object (verb)
You do not agree
How many adults died?
Who is the only boy who objects to the plan of staying on the island?
When Miguel asks Jonathan what he did to get sent to the reformatory, what does Jonathan say?
He doesn't say anything.
When Tony questions why Sebastian should be in charge, what is Sebastian's reason?
He has been on the island the longest and is the oldest.
when people vote for someone to make the decisions
How do they think the men died?
They think that the men died because they were all standing in a puddle when the lightning struck, and they were electrocuted.
Who comes to deliver the mail?
What did David admit to doing to get sent to the reformatory?
David admits to breaking a boy’s jaw and giving him a concussion but says it was because the kid made fun of his Japanese heritage
Sebastian declares that the boys are not scabs, as the Admiral called them, but what?
the traditions and history of a certain country or society
All of the boys seemed to be ready to get off the island except which two?
Jonathan and Sebastian
Who comes up with the idea to trick Patrick when he comes to deliver the mail to the island?
What does Miguel say he was sent to the reformatory for?
Skipping school
What does Jonathan see at the foot of the door at the Hatch?
Human skull
think about
What does Jonathon suggest?
“I’m talking about staying. Without the grown-ups. Without any grown-ups. I’m talking about all of us staying here at Slabhenge. Alone”
Which boy puts on Mr. Vander’s clothes and stands in the shadows to greet Patrick when he arrives with the mail?
When moving the admiral's body into the freezer, what falls out of his pocket?
a key
What does Sebastian mean when he describes them as scars?
to live in